Example sentences of "that [verb] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Just what is it about Barbados that produces so many wonderful cricketers ?
2 Clarke thereby played a major part in the thrust towards international standardization that became so important in late nineteenth-century European science .
3 Behind them she could work with a charm and singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes .
4 Behind them she could work with a charm and a singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes ’ .
5 However , what such an analysis fails to take into account is that the evidence of wrong-doing that became so public in the United States would almost certainly have never surfaced in the United Kingdom , given the laws of libel and the willingness of the British people to tolerate secrecy in government .
6 When the Irish victory became clear the audience of several thousand inside the showjumping arena broke into a chorus of ‘ Ole Ole ’ , the anthem that became so popular during Ireland 's progress throughout the 1990 soccer World Cup finals in Italy .
7 It had taken him only a few moments to discover , from his wife 's tirade , that Hank 's book was not quite so innocent as he had imagined ; however , any book that made so much money was a good book , in his opinion , and he had defended Hank hotly .
8 It was this particular characteristic of syphilis , that both the primary sore and the secondary rash will go away after a certain period , that produced so many varied cures in the pre-antibiotic era .
9 It 's hunger that drives so many ballet students there , not an innate artistic urge .
10 They look super in the portfolio : far better than all those grotty 10 cm doubles that sold so many army surplus sleeping bags .
11 Equally to the point , the spectre of drastic economies that haunts so many men and women is often the result of their having only the haziest idea as to their likely income and expenditure .
12 the sauce that tastes so GOOD !
13 But he never succumbs to what Max Scheler termed ressentiment — that mixture of resentment and anger and injured pride that destroys so many , even if it were present in earlier years .
14 A highly crafted , hugely sophisticated building-machine that rewrites so many rules of conventional corporate architecture is inevitably hard to digest .
15 In the coming year , the Government will also face its greatest crisis over public sector borrowing , having to borrow too much to pay the interest on its debts — the trap that caught so many in the last few years .
16 Internally , GE has already done much to dismantle the bureaucratic command-and-control systems that beset so many of America 's big businesses .
17 But manufacturers have come a long way from the aluminium-framed picture windows that disfigured so many homes in the early days of the replacement window boom , and a wide range of window styles is now available .
18 On all sides the air is filled with music and a mixture of languages as young people from all over Europe get together to enjoy the pleasures of this picturesque resort that has so much to offer in such a small space — last year we counted over 15 different hostelries , none more than five minutes walk from each other !
19 People find that they just do n't have time to get bored in a resort that has so much on offer .
20 You might say that it was n't such a terrible thing , but it 's not the actual abuse that matters so much .
21 Their much-derided ‘ copying ’ focus is now seen with more respect as showing a complete absence of the NIH ( not invented here ) syndrome that causes so many Western companies problems when new but not original ideas are introduced .
22 Lawrence was fuming after Barnsley beat Boro 1–0 on Monday , and a season that promised so much is shaping up for a disastrous finale .
23 Wild calm that holds so much .
24 How can a cooker that looks so good cost so little ?
25 I often find myself wondering how something that looks so simple and straightforward manages to cause its owner so many headaches .
26 I could turn convict , he thought , and live in prison and it would n't matter then about a job or all the things ahead that looks so unpromising .
27 This is the confusion that bedevils so much liberationist and even scientific thinking .
28 Gray ( 1982 ) states that the ‘ good news ’ about old age is that most enjoy a healthy life , untroubled by incontinence , dementia and other disorders that receive so much publicity .
29 Still , anything 's better than those 16-bit monstrosities that cost so much to buy , you ca n't afford the overpriced games to go with them .
30 It had begun to seem like the ideas he 'd had when he was younger , that you worked out in school and at night in bed , that seemed so easy , then when it carne to it did n't work out .
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