Example sentences of "that [verb] you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And er that hurt and that made you much more determined to improve and be able to make a proper load as quickly as possible .
2 She watched every video you ever made , trying to analyse just what it was that made you so special , so different from all the rest . ’
3 ‘ First of all why do n't you start by telling me just exactly what it was that upset you today ? ’
4 She was the spoon that impatiently opened your lips and put artichoke purée between them , the arm that lowered you backwards into the tin bath , the water in which you lay and splashed and did not drown .
5 Think back to all the stories that affected you strongly as a child .
6 It 's the second mix on the B-side most spinners are plumping for , riding into tranceland on a deep repetitive bassline and helped along by fountains of floaty keyboards that wash you away into hypno-city .
7 I suppose well my children would say my answer to everything is to say to them breathe , you know , and erm you know just do very simple relaxation if nothing else , and then that allows you maybe to start looking at other things , but to get to the state where you can begin to look at things without the fears and emotions getting in the way .
8 This series of cookbooks illustrates each stage of every recipe with attractive colour photographs that show you exactly what to do .
9 They know how to set traps , they know how to ask you questions which will lead you into using emotive words , they will have you on tape , they will also possibly be in a position to edit that tape , and at the end of the day you can not say , ‘ I did n't say that , ’ because I have a piece of tape that says you actually did say it .
10 Like so many crafts , if you are to enjoy flower pressing to the full you must find the method , materials and styles that suit you best , and you will only do this through trial and error .
11 The following will all come in useful but with experience you may find alternatives that suit you better .
12 To answer this correctly you need to analyse the tasks that face you currently to decide how many of them can be handed on immediately , or later with careful preparation .
13 The greatest danger to a windsurfer is a wind that blows you away from a beach .
14 erm and that threw you so that 's why less eye contact .
15 This is because you will have developed , without necessarily ever having thought about it , some learning style preferences that equip you better for certain stages in the cycle than for others .
16 BeckerTools is a set of utilities that give you better or extra disk and file utilities under Windows .
17 There was a ripe collection of April Fool items flying around the industry this year , with BICC Plc 's BICC Information Systems & Services promoting its underware , the first two items being BISS-SLIP for Synchronised Linked Internet Protocol and BISS-NICS Network Integrity Circuit Service , and Chase Research Inc of Nashville , Tennessee threatening to knock MS-DOS , Unix and NT off their perches with a resurrected CPM/93 version of the late lamented CP/M operating system — and comes on 300 8″ floppies , bundled with an 8″ floppy drive for $100 ; but the prize has to go for Hewlett-Packard Ltd , which yesterday announced new security features for its Vectra personal computers — User Fingerprint Recognition on all models , and both Photographic Recognition — a tiny camera in the middle of the screen that recognises you even when you come back with a tan , and Odour Recognition — designated users must not change their perfume or after shave — on 80486 models ; not recognised ?
18 Tell me something that cheered you recently , Mr Bodenland .
19 That summit was partially hidden , however , for when you get to the top of the final slope there 's a level stretch that takes you just out of view .
20 Compare this with the diagonal , twisting advance that takes you directly into the opponent or , if you prefer , the diagonal withdrawal that times your response to coincide with a lull in the attack .
21 folk folk that know you either w might be too critical or they might just switch off because they have heard it before .
22 That the audition process was one that examined you totally — your private behaviour as well as your theatrical ability , the two feeding into each other to find a way to suit the requirements of the part and the particular aspects that were being looked at by the director , Michael Blakemore .
23 Now we 're delighted to see you here because we know that the , the G M B shares this view and we know that you 've also been in the forefront of introducing technology , er and we know also that having you here er , having your conference here , helps us enormously to continue this process of raising the profile of the trades unions , the trades council , the labour movement in the city .
24 that was the one that interested you most .
25 Those that sent you here have forgotten you , buried you , stamped down the earth on your memory .
26 I mean is this being true to yourself and letting yourself down and you know not saying what you feel you should 've said erm perhaps now I wan na talk about one area in particular and that is this thing about you know submissiveness it seems that most people look at things that disturb you either as submissive or aggressive .
27 ‘ This business that kept you away this morning .
28 at the end of the dark , drunken years that kept you there ,
29 The final add-in is unique to Symphony as it a memory management tool that lets you temporarily turn off its currently unused components in order to increase the memory available .
30 ‘ Then it was the horse-riding that brought you here ? ’
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