Example sentences of "that [noun] [vb -s] of " in BNC.

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1 They are a reminder that faith speaks of life that is unbroken by death .
2 He states that ideology consists of the beliefs and values of a ruling group which ‘ obscures the real condition of society both to itself and others and thereby stabilizes it ’ .
3 The ape that Alison makes of Absolon , the excluded potential lover ( 3389 ) , re-emerges as John the clerk after Alayn has jumped into bed with Malyne ( 4202 ) , while throughout the night the miller , with his skull " " piled as an ape " " ( 3935 ) is left in the same position .
4 Several areas that CPRW considers of ‘ extreme environmental sensitivity ’ are currently being offered to oil companies by the DTI ( see map ) .
5 When Cassio has been attacked by Iago , apparently murdered , Othello lauds his master 's example : The murder scene , with its marvellously wrought language , a ceremony that Othello thinks of as a sacrifice , is the most deluded , most fictitious scene in Shakespeare — not a word in it that Othello says is true .
6 The notion that Freud has of the sexual instincts is not primarily about reproduction , however , but the generalized capacity of the human organism to find erotic satisfaction from any part of the body being caressed or stimulated , quite apart from the act of reproduction .
7 Maxwell concluded that ‘ we can scarcely ; avoid the inference that light consists of the transverse undulations of the same medium which is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena . ’
8 The neurophysiological CTP asserts that perception consists of neural events triggered by events in the perceived object .
9 All the stages that Weiser finds of ‘ advance in personal knowledge ’ , a ‘ basic transition ’ here , a ‘ discovery ’ there , one which ‘ begins to dissolve ’ the speaker 's ‘ coherent identity ’ ( a development which the sceptic may see as a rationale for the failure of an analytical method ) — stages of awareness that lead to a final collapse : all this seems to me fictitious , revealing the critic 's categories rather than the poet 's .
10 It di we do n't get all the details in the story that Jesus tells of here , but it 's quite certain that it was n't just a case of wandering along a nice path until he found the sheep and then bringing it home .
11 The first is a belief that education consists of the transmission of ‘ male ’ knowledge ; that is , that what is taught in schools is simply an account of male experience presented as though it were everybody 's experience .
12 Two other requirements that Beccaria makes of punishments for them to be effective are that they should be prompt and certain .
13 And that is something that God gives of himself .
14 It is certainly true that Marx speaks of single practices as central to societies ( as in the passage quoted earlier ) and Althusser may well believe that as far as exegesis is concerned no more need be said .
15 Political and military impotence is one of the prices that Lebanon exacts of all who enter her frontiers .
16 If you wait for a few minutes , and it really can be that long , you might be surprised to discover that Windows un-freezes of its own accord .
17 Similarly , the disabled artist could be locked into expressing personal life events in the hope that fame will allow escape from the dependency role that society expects of its disabled citizens .
18 It should be recognised that communication consists of production and reception of language .
19 Yet the weak or anomalous We forms may point to a further truth , that Shakespeare conceives of the relationship between two friends as both united and separated .
20 The King has disclaimed his love for his offspring and therefore broken the family bond that Cordelia speaks of .
21 God has not yet come back to buy up his possessions ( the Christians ) , for whom he has paid the down-payment of the Spirit ( Eph. 1:14 ) ; and it is in the context of our future inheritance beyond death that Paul speaks of the Spirit as our ‘ earnest ’ in 2 Corinthians 5:5 .
22 I also got the distinct impression that Herta disapproves of the work I am doing here .
23 My career since 1982 has been remarkable for the number of men who have harboured exactly those prejudices that Smith speaks of — that is , that you ca n't do science and medicine and have children .
24 The fears that BSL consists of a limited , concrete visual language localised in the right hemisphere , can be discounted .
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