Example sentences of "not there [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet they were not there for celebration , and there was neither gluttony nor drunkenness .
2 It was really weird erm Si was saying about , and he was going oh it , it 's gon na be really odd in the summer term to see how Luke reacts when , I mean cos Andy 's not there at cricket
3 and I put them in , and I look in my dictionary , they 're not there of course , cos my dictionary I had is from nineteen forty six
4 So glorious and yet so very real that if we by faith , and if we have by faith looked to Jesus Christ dying on the cross for us and received him , now , not there of course , but risen , and ascended , and glorified is promising that we ha will pass , or we have passed from death unto life .
5 The applications given in texts are not there as evidence , but because learning them is part of learning the paradigm at the base of current practice .
6 When a brittle material breaks , two new surfaces are created at the point of fracture which were not there before fracture , and Griffith 's very brilliant idea was to relate the surface energy of the fracture surfaces to the strain energy in the material before it broke .
7 Certainly not there in Brigade H.Q
8 Yes , I think there is is n't there with budgies
9 as well is n't there with businesses ?
10 There was a leaflet was n't there about bonfires ?
11 Oh do n't start on me you know , saying I ca n't there on Tuesday !
12 She was n't there on Monday was she ?
13 What 's a name was n't there on Saturday
14 Unfortunately there seems to be a resurgence of of this now does n't there in Europe ?
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