Example sentences of "not even in the " in BNC.

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1 And tests on naturally contaminated eggs show multiplication can not occur in an intact egg , not even in the yolk .
2 You 're not even in the Regiment .
3 But I must readjust to the new and increasingly painful realization that this man is no longer to be trusted , not even in the smallest detail .
4 I often say that nowhere in our empire — not even in the slums of Calcutta or Bombay — is there worse poverty than is to be found in the shadow of the mother of Parliaments . ’
5 Poland was not even in the same shape or place as it had been , and virtually the only thing that now united the Poles of the different partition experiences , religious beliefs and political outlooks was a new found sense of Polish national feeling .
6 Men and women do not usually put their baser feelings and intentions into words , not even in the deep recesses of their own minds .
7 The conviction could be even more serious for Dr Bromley , 48 , who was not even in the surgery at the time .
8 Not even in the way that Olvia must have died years ago to serve the Emperor — but to sate one mad woman 's vengeance .
9 But nowhere , not even in the potentially ‘ educational ’ rides and attractions based at The Land or The Universe Of Energy pavilions , is there any reference to the world 's problems nor , except as fantasy , to any world at all outside a US focus .
10 But authority did not appear , not even in the form of a disembodied voice , and the people came on in , on and on , more and more of them , a marching army , a shoving , crushing battering ram of men and women .
11 And not even in the land of the troubadours were husbands more tolerant .
12 Dan was not even in the running any more .
13 As I stood on one foot to remove them , the little cabin shifted on its suspension but there was no embarrassment , not even in the disparity between the utility of our underwear and the transcendence of our desire .
14 This award has not yet been presented and Mr Bence is not even in the reckoning .
15 She had never seemed young , Helen realised ; not even in the haziest reaches of recollection .
16 The people , most of the er sh big stores not even in the , they do n't sell even now those things , things .
17 ‘ No , not even in the GDR .
18 ‘ But unfortunately , at the moment , I 'm not even in the bidding .
19 No , ’ he went on weightily , ‘ not even in the interests of a firm which has always regarded continuity in its staff as of paramount importance to its operation . ’
20 There is not even , as we have heard , any opportunity to make a realistic and meaningful statement in public , not even in the House , for to do so might affect the outcome of the trial .
21 not even in the mirror .
22 And so the book was just kind of , ignored I think , and left standing , and now it 's out of print , and we 've discovered this week , it 's not even in the university library .
23 Not even in the grave itself
24 The Air Ministry firmly believed that fundamentally it was a question of pure navigation , and furthermore they were convinced that they knew one man who could lead such a formation to meet the planned Bomber Force envisaged by the Chiefs of Staff — but he was not even in the RAF , He was a professional Imperial Airways pilot with an international reputation — a host of " firsts " in world aviation events and , even more importantly , he was an outstanding navigator .
25 Not even in the same hospital ! ’
26 ‘ I 'm not even in the phone book . ’
27 Perhaps not even in the long summer that stretched ahead of them .
28 The Leeds fans chanted : ‘ What the hell is going on , ’ and followed that up with cries of ‘ Rocky , Rocky ’ in support of £2m signing David Rocastle , who once again sat in the stands , not even in the squad .
29 The fastest climbing shares during the month were the troubled Brent Walker Group and Guinness which a year ago were not even in the top 30 small shareholder purchases .
30 The two fresh contenders of greatest interest , if only because they were not even in the side when Scotland trounced Ireland at Murrayfield , are Peter Clohessy on the tight-head — a player who incurred the wrath of Australia 's Bob Dwyer but who was held to have made quite an impact on the Lions ' top brass versus Wales — and the young stand-off , Eric Ellwood .
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