Example sentences of "not have [art] very " in BNC.

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1 And without the SDLP , the Assembly does not have a very bright future .
2 We do not have a very good sense of smell , and as a result we are often tactless when handling animals .
3 It was not common at that time to see a soldier at home in Britain wearing parachute wings , for despite the Parachute Regiment — a newcomer to the army 's Order of Battle — having mounted raids in France and Italy , and having taken part , with heavy casualties , in the Tunisian and Sicilian campaigns , airborne forces did not have a very noticeable public profile before the days of Normandy and Arnhem .
4 ‘ I am sorry you did not have a very good meal , ’ he said , looking at my plate .
5 The fourth case , apart from illustrating the typical problems of an adolescent self-poisoner , is also included as an example of treatment which did not have a very good outcome , probably because the therapist did not involve the patient 's parents from an early stage .
6 If you are working for someone , you will find life very frustrating if you do not have a very clear picture of your role , responsibilities and accountability .
7 Fireman Ken Horn said : ‘ It was simply a miracle that we did not have a very serious casualty list . ’
8 Version 6.0 of Pick will not have a very long life , however — by the summer , versions 6.1 will be in beta test .
9 To reject the picture is not to suggest that people did not have a very real experience of God .
10 More damaging to the continuity of sessions were the frequent occasions when teachers interrupted themselves , either because they did not have a very clear idea of what they were trying to say , or because their organizational structure was so complicated that they were trying to do too many things at once .
11 Like many terms of the sort , it does not have a very precise definition .
12 In fact , people did not have a very nice time working there , with dirty conditions , long hours , heat and underground work .
13 At another level , however , this inelasticity feature is unattractive , because on a merit good , and some ‘ externality ’ arguments , the objective of government policy should be to reduce consumption , and owing to the price inelasticity tax rises will not have a very significant impact on the level of consumption .
14 I agree the state is picking up his , his rent which is er er quite a lot er but even so , you know , he has n't got very much money and can not have a very enthusiastic view of what the future holds
15 However , we did not have the very high rates on many goods such as television sets , which are described as luxury goods but are essentials for many people — rates which we inherited and which I understand that the Labour party would consider again .
16 We do n't have a very high regard for the regime . ’
17 Paul did n't have a very high opinion of Waafs and constantly told us that his Diedre would n't dream of joining up and that no girls looked their best in uniform .
18 Mandy did n't have a very good start in life when she was rejected by her mother only minutes after birth .
19 Unfortunately , we did n't have a very happy working relationship .
20 You might think this a cheap revenge on a dead lady critic simply for pointing out that Flaubert did n't have a very reliable notion of Emma Bovary 's eyes .
21 Does n't have a very long
22 They do n't have a very wide span of vision either , and they have no sense of perspective .
23 But today , I do n't have a very bad problem .
24 ‘ At that time , Michael did n't have a very good reputation for being easy to work with . ’
25 ‘ Well , he does n't have a very high opinion of either foreigners or women , ’ she said at last .
26 Erm , erm , I mean , she does n't have a very strong character , but erm , on the scale of
27 or he did n't try , well he did n't have a very happy childhood did he ?
28 You did n't have a very long sleep did you ?
29 Does n't have a very good sense of humour .
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