Example sentences of "not been as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the reasons why there has been nothing outstanding about the rate of growth of trade within the EEC and between the EEC and third countries may have been because its members have not been as assiduous as might have been expected ( by the British at least ) in removing barriers to trade between themselves and with the rest of the world .
2 Environmental pollution in the Gulf has not been as extensive as feared , according to a survey by a team from the Monaco-based Marine Environment Laboratory , an arm of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) [ see also ED 62 ] .
3 ‘ No doubt business is better than last year but it has not been as good as many people suggested it might be , ’ he said .
4 ‘ We have not been as good as we could have been in producing statistically valid trials . ’
5 ‘ We have not been as good as we could be in doing statistically valid trials ’
6 I have to be honest and say that the last few years have not been as good as I would have expected .
7 I mentioned the reduction in unemployment that has taken place in Holyhead , and , while the decrease has not been as good there as in some other areas , the announcements that I made this morning gave a priority to Holyhead .
8 Food costs have been high in the past because Fred has not been as efficient as he might have been ( he certainly seems to have neglected his record-keeping ! ) , and his action in letting Chrissie take the food was motivated by his resentment at being demoted .
9 However , although the WDA has remained , it has not been as interventionist in terms of urban policy as has the SDA .
10 Elsewhere , however , management strategies have not been as successful .
11 Although data and voice transmission lines are moving gradually towards the 144Kbits per second Integrated Services Digital Networks specification , the report believes that ISDN has not been as successful as many pundits believed it would be .
12 Although data and voice transmission lines are moving gradually towards the 144Kbits per second Integrated Services Digital Networks specification , the report believes ISDN has not been as successful as many pundits believed it would be .
13 ‘ I know that if Wyn had not been as strong as she has , then I would not be here today . ’
14 In spite of these impressive results , progress in finding other examples of neurons with highly selective trigger features has not been as rapid as was hoped .
15 Table 6.9 Sterling commercial paper The development of the market has not been as rapid or as extensive as in many other European countries .
16 As it is , when I use mine , I think of her , and of the generations of Merchants that have not been as lucky as I.
17 Swod pursed his lips with faint irascibility : his ‘ bon mot ’ about Mills had not been as conclusive as he hoped .
18 It was the final proof that perhaps , after all , she had not been as inferior to her sister as she had imagined .
19 Even when he was older and realized that the nursing home had probably not been as bad as his childishly fastidious senses remembered it and that , anyway , she could not have afforded anything better , he was still unable to forgive her .
20 The superintendent was looking relieved that the incident had not been as bad as it might have been .
21 Mr Wilkinsion said he was pleasantly surprised that the loss of traffic had not been as bad as feared .
22 ‘ Oh , now , it 's not been as bad as that , ’ he said , shamefaced , and laid his arm awkwardly round her shoulders and drew her close to him .
23 Perhaps surprisingly , although the figures show that UK membership has produced trading deficits , the extent of the deficits have not been as large as those of France and Italy .
24 Therefore , the Minister has not been as generous as he pretends .
25 Governments have not been as irrational and totally careless of life as the experience of the Second World War led many to believe .
26 In 1850 Nesselrode expressed the view that " Russia 's position and that of her Sovereign has not been as attractive or as powerful since 1814 " .
27 The effects on public expenditure have not been as drastic as might have been expected .
28 She enjoyed nearly everything , even widow 's weeds perhaps most of all widow 's weeds , as her married life had not been as exciting as she might have wished , and besides , they were so graceful and pretty .
29 I have covered the whole year , but because January is in your shops , February already subscribed , March imminent and April only recently covered in my monthly column ( 11th December ) , I have not been as detailed with these four months as I have with the rest of the year .
30 But Travis was shaking his head , and insisting that he had not been as enthusiastic as he might have been on Saturday .
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