Example sentences of "not be just [art] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , it might not be just a matter of rescheduling ‘ waking time ’ and ‘ mealtimes ’ along the lines we have suggested above , since the body does not adjust immediately to the new routine .
2 But the world of Living Doll need not be just a fantasy — win one of our special pampering make-overs and you too could feel like a top model .
3 Whether your baby grows up to be right or left-handed may not be just a matter of chance or heredity .
4 Choice should not be just a private sector option .
5 It will not be just a matter of turning up to beat Grimsby and Wolves .
6 The strategy for a very mature ‘ cash cow ’ or ‘ dog ’ need not be just an exit from the industry .
7 It could not be just the billowing Circassian trousers , though it is true I find trousers on women an anaphrodisiac .
8 And this need not be just the prerogative ( and burden ) of leaders but develop into a healthy mutuality between lay people , as is already happening in various parts of the Church .
9 It may not be just the drink that is bad for your health .
10 Clinton 's wife Hillary one of America 's top lawyers has already made it clear she will not be just the mild , meek First Lady .
11 It wo n't be just the three of us , will it ?
12 ‘ It would n't be just the SAMOS system , either , ’ he added .
13 They arranged to meet for lunch , and she said , ‘ But I might as well warn you , it wo n't be just the three of us .
14 I was sep separate and apart from that , they would have to have a operating room and a dispensary there , you see that 's what they would have to have , I mean , if there gon na have P D S A premises , this is what you 've got to have , cos very often the animal has to be put under and all sorts of things , you know what I mean , it would n't be just an office with say like a physician and a tenants , it would be a case of a , a surgery and things in that nature which would be required by , er quite a number of animals .
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