Example sentences of "not as [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 The existence of radiation from black holes seems to imply that gravitational collapse is not as final and irreversible as we once thought .
2 ‘ The truth is I knew throughout the summer that my game was not as sharp and I was not enjoying myself on the course as I did in 1991 .
3 It is vital that we integrate women and minorities fully into the workforce , in positions of high skill , responsibility and pay , not as peripheral and under-paid workers .
4 He seems to intimate that the contract is not as solid and as biased toward the group as they believe .
5 His body was not as solid and stable as it should be and he was frequently off-line by a few degrees .
6 It 's not as cheap and there 's you .
7 If Barth was now able to say at least some of the things that Brunner also wished to say , he was doing so within his own perspective — and demonstrating at the same , time that that perspective was not as narrow and restricted as Brunner had imagined it must be .
8 But the other echo which really gripped me was his reference to some of the Imperial flights down the Gulf that were not as straightforward and as simple as they are today , I speak now of when I was awakened from my afternoon siesta by someone from the guardroom telling me to get down to flights as quickly as possible and have my overnight gear with me .
9 Rich ( 1977 ) sees the meaning of mother-daughter relations , not as unconscious and individual , but as available to any aware female subject .
10 ‘ It 's not as black and white as it used to be .
11 To Jonathan Warner she has sold UK and Commonwealth rights in a first novel , Spidertown , by Puerto Rican Abraham Rodriguez , for spring 1994 , and to Michael Fishwick she has sold Bart Kosko ‘ s Fuzzy Thinking , the textbook for the new concept of fuzzy logic — that sees the world not as black and white , or , in computer terms , 0 and 1 , but having grey areas about which ‘ intelligent products ’ ( including camcorders and washing machines ) have to make ‘ judgements ’ .
12 ‘ Audrey 's certainly not as loud and tarty as she once was .
13 Erm they 're in no hurry to join but with this second period er from September or was it October and erm once again there is this idea that , you know , the tide is turning and they , they will now join erm they wo n't find it so hard to join as the rich peasants but once again they 're not as enthusiastic and maybe they should be but they are , they are helping more but er er and this is the key er for which you know Mao talked about later is that we 've got to get the middle peasant actually actively involved
14 Apart from this , its description of linguistic structures is not as exact and analytical as modern style studies tend to be .
15 Furthermore , unlike the care of children , the personal rewards are not as obvious and , in some cases , may be non-existent or hard to define .
16 Despite some similarities with Kleisthenic Attica , Boiotia differed in that there was no great popular assembly made up of thousands ; still more important , Theban control of Boiotia was not as obvious and inevitable as Athenian control of Attica .
17 Another avenue of enjoyable information-seeking — sadly , not as well-known and patronized as it deserves to be — is the programme of private gardens opened in aid of various charities like the Gardeners ' Benevolent Fund , from whom you can obtain a county-by-county week-by-week guide giving details of location , times of opening and points of interest .
18 One approach that has been given a lot of importance is distinctive feature analysis , which is based on the principle that phonemes should be regarded not as independent and indivisible units , but instead as combinations of different features .
19 You have to remember that in a school such as ours the children are not as ready and willing to learn as in schools in middle-class neighbourhoods .
20 Tony Gordon 's Kiwis , who will now find it difficult to go through the remainder of their tour undefeated , are not as tight and efficient a force as Graham Lowe 's team of four years ago , but with a virtual Test side out , should have been far too strong for Murphy 's collection of reserves .
21 He was headstrong enough , although not as cold and passionless as they later made out . ’
22 The competition for status and patronage between the Royal Society and the British Academy , for instance , demonstrates how alternative theories of knowledge are embedded in real ideological and political circumstances and are not as rarefied and detached as they are commonly claimed to be .
23 But while Scotland 's wilderness areas are still not as overcrowded and overdeveloped as Yosemite or even the Lakes , the damage is there for all to see .
24 It can be a pretty creepy place , too , but it 's not as isolated and overgrown as the glen , so at least it 's lighter .
25 The result of this is that different writers produce different analyses of the phonemic system of English ; it is clear that phonemic analysis is not as clear and simple as studying the letters of the alphabet .
26 They 're not as big and not as yellow but likely to be more expensive than the current price of around 49p a pound .
27 The latter comes at midprice and offers over twenty minutes ' extra music — but DC 's 1973 analogue recording is n't as ripe and sonorous as the new Chandos and exhibits a little tape hiss if played too loudly .
28 Let me show you that all men are n't as cruel and immature as your retarded merchant banker .
29 She was n't as proud and quick-tempered as her mother , but she was used to getting what she wanted .
30 However , many men were n't as lucky and women had to be employed at the maltings during the war , mainly in Malt Despatch and Barley Intake .
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