Example sentences of "not be [verb] by " in BNC.

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No Sentence
31 Having decided that the doctrine of automatic determination ( ie determination of a contract solely at the will of the party who was guilty of a wrongful repudiatory breach ) did not exist , even in employment contracts , Megarry V-C concluded that as the breach had not been accepted by the innocent party then the contract subsisted and therefore for the period which it had to run — circa four and a half years — the defendant was bound by its terms .
32 But that plea has not been accepted by the crown .
33 Where the false trade description has not been applied by the retailer , the special defence of " reasonable diligence " in s24(3) of TDA 1968 may be relied upon .
34 The new article 198(a) to chapter 4 of the draft treaty on the union , on a committee of regional and local authorities , has not been opposed by the British Government .
35 Section 11 permits the revocation of an authorisation if , inter alia , it appears that any of the criteria specified in Schedule 3 is not or has not been fulfilled by the institution concerned .
36 ‘ ( a ) when the whole of the price has not been paid or tendered ; ( b ) when a bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument has been received as conditional payment , and the condition on which it was received has not been fulfilled by reason of the dishonour of the instrument or otherwise . ’
37 Examine all those planted the previous autumn and winter to see that the soil has not been loosened by frost .
38 Check that roots of wallflowers have not been loosened by wind and refirm them if necessary .
39 Women suffer a dual burden of work inside and outside the home and the strains experienced by working mothers have not been eased by offers of help either from male partners or the wider community and the state .
40 So Protestant opinions had not been silenced by Arran 's change of heart after the initial heady days of 1543 ; and the Rough Wooing had not broken the link between the English and the hopes of Scottish Protestants .
41 Of the second wave of Irish films gearing up for release , only one has not been made by a British director .
42 " Profit " lies here also and some members of this school might have passed their lives in prim obscurity had their names not been made by their own publicity .
43 As Arendt has pointed out , ‘ In all these cases , legitimacy derives from something outside the range of human deeds ; it is either not man-made at all … or has at least not been made by those who happen to be in power . ’
44 That statement had been true and had in any case not been made by Moorgate Mercantile , since H.P.I. was not an agent of Moorgate Mercantile for the purpose of making such a statement .
45 Makarenko made the important deduction that as the theories discarded at the Revolution had not been replaced by precise new ones , the abstract and muddled notions of officials like the education inspector were no substitute for practical self-help .
46 If rats , traditionally used for studies on urine flow , had not been replaced by dogs , just because larger animals were needed , the new drug , chlorothiazide , would have been missed , since its activity in rats is insignificant .
47 Ironically , there was no need for imputation in the 1991 Census in Northern Ireland , where the rates system had not been replaced by the Community Charge .
48 What had not been realised by all concerned was the fearful advance in the scientific methods of waging war — no longer was war a man to man affair — men could be destroyed in hundreds from a distance and that ability was not confined to one side alone .
49 The strange occurrence at Ingrow Tunnel has not been explained by logical reasons and so must be regarded as , maybe , a paranormal phenomenon .
50 They could now field a team featuring only two players , Nunnerley and the captain Tim Crothers , who have not been recognised by Wales .
51 Before the talks , the union had not been recognised by the Government for national pay bargaining , leading to the belief that recognition had been granted to give managers the opportunity to impose the offer on all ambulance staff if it was accepted by Apap .
52 ‘ A foreign government which has not been recognised by the United Kingdom Government as either de jure or de facto government has no locus standi in the English courts .
53 But these unions have not been recognised by BR for negotiating purposes and their impact has been limited .
54 As was the case with Descartes 's hydraulic model , the electric field model has not been substantiated by more recent studies of the brain .
55 Following treatment , calves should be moved to pasture which has not been grazed by cattle in the same year .
56 Loss of Exchequer revenue has been considerable and has not been offset by any gain in total expenditure on health care .
57 These analyses have not been confirmed by modern methods .
58 to say that if er , it is not a SAT year , we are obliged to say these levels have not been confirmed by SATs so the only in year nine we , we do n't need to say that .
59 How about this then , these levels have not been confirmed by SATS except in the year nine report ?
60 He imagined labour as it would be , had it not been formulated by capitalism , and say that it would then be merely an aspect of the total business of living , unseparated from such activities as recreation , consumption , family life : that it would be just part of existence .
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