Example sentences of "not [adv] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 No it 's not m it 's not much it 's not much further than .
2 Grant , it 's not tonight it 's May the eighth , the eighth of May , your thing for the Boys ' Brigade .
3 You 're saying it 's not not it is n't impossible but it 's harder to generate a warmth over the phone is n't it ?
4 The things like a case study where you have to gather lots of information and analyze it , I mean that 's just what the reflectors like , cos they want to feel that there 's you know they th working is not just it 's actually working on some fact .
5 Well golf is , is hardly a sport , it 's not in the , it 's not like it 's in the Olympics is it ?
6 It 's not like it 's a long way .
7 But erm er the school days I think were were really the best days of our lives , but they we were the happiest days anyway because I enjoyed them and most kids enjoyed school in those days , not like it is today .
8 So to stop it being a through route , because it 's not part it 's not a necessary route for private cars to go down , and it is , of course , extremely important because the entrance to the bus station is off that route .
9 He used to be a crane driver dear for , yeah he used and I 've got to , one of me sons now is a foreman for , well they 're not now it 's , it 's sort of amal amalgamated with another firm now I think , but he does , he does erm , he 's a foreman like now , he used to be a truck , crane driver and my , the very night that my hubby died on the following Monday he would of been working in Harlow , he got a new crane to take over in Harlow and he 'd been working away from home for weeks and months of the year always away , coming home weekends and I used to have to cook and do his washing and pack him up for going off again Monday morning early , but he never was near home working then , and as I say the night before he went he was , he was gon na work on the Monday to in Old , to Harlow down where the new er place was for and it unfortunately cos he went .
10 Not now it 's not , it 's still sixty odd .
11 Not now it 's alright .
12 Not really it 's quite self explanatory because I was wondering where you got the business and that from .
13 No not really it 's pretty low impact .
14 No not really it 's just that
15 He did n't have to do his test for it , well not really it 's , see with the Post Office
16 Probably not really it 's probably not really his scene .
17 Not surprisingly it 's all the idea of an American .
18 Yin and yang ; animus and anima ; the pairing turns up so often , not surprisingly it is sometimes taken for a universal principle of human thought and categorisation .
19 Not surprisingly it is difficult for us to decide both how good and how genuinely popular all live variety was , let alone its precise relationship to the new entertainment of the movies .
20 Not surprisingly it is regarded as an important and effective management tool .
21 we 're not , it 's not tomorrow it 's Wednesday , we get period one and two off so we only have half day
22 If he 's not here it 's funny , and if he is here it 's funny .
23 No it 's not well it 's Mummy 's at the moment but there 's two ladies coming back to collect it tonight .
24 When she 's not well it 's
25 It 's not there it 's not er there .
26 Last but not least it is a good idea to take out insurance , preferably with comprehensive and at least third party cover .
27 Of course , that 's not how it 's supposed to be done . ’
28 But that is not how it is , he wrote .
29 But the cad transfer file is concerned with the object itself , not how it is portrayed .
30 The case can make no pretension to scientific detachment : it is a declaration of nationalist faith , a recommendation of how we ought to see the world , not how it is .
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