Example sentences of "not [conj] it was " in BNC.

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1 Not that it was going to be easy to improve on the earlier filmed interview when , asked why he rarely practised in the nets , he replied : ‘ I do n't like confined spaces . ’
2 What is incontrovertible is only that I had it , not that it was caused by anything ‘ out there ’ beyond my experience .
3 The problem with the current rapid expansion of higher education was not that it was underfunded , but that it was taking place in the wrong subject areas , he said .
4 Not that it was any old coin — a two-headed Churchill crown to be exact .
5 Not that it was all down to rippling black biceps .
6 Not that it was slow down in the sense of Do n't go too fast physically .
7 Not that it was young Mr Gotobed 's fault , his father was alive then , and in charge of the mine , but Mr Evans says all that family was tarred with the same brush , only thinking of profits .
8 Suicide attempts ( ‘ Not that it was serious , ’ she told him , ‘ just attention-seeking ’ ) , anorexia , the odd abortion ( only one in her case , but she gave the impression this was well below average ) and messy affairs with married men .
9 Not that it was any skin off my nose one way or the other .
10 Not that it was necessary .
11 ‘ It 's not that it was bad for image , ’ she says .
12 Not that it was much of a one then : discovery would have meant at the most punishment and a diatribe against immigrants generally , with the chief worry , what contagion she might have picked up .
13 ( He should have won a Nobel Prize for general relativity , but the idea that space and time were curved was still regarded as too speculative and controversial , so they gave him a prize for the photoelectric effect instead — ; not that it was not worth the prize on its own account . )
14 Not that it was unreasonable .
15 Not that it was always difficult , if you knew where to look .
16 Not that it was so by any means , but it was the elbow-joint in the journey .
17 Not that it was the first time they 'd been cut .
18 They 'd been unbelievably kind to her , not that it was any of his business — he was n't one of the villagers , just a visitor .
19 Not that it was likely to with Feargal , but it might have been fun to enter into a little light flirtation .
20 Not that it was n't wet :
21 for a sheltered childhood ( not that it was for long ,
22 Not that it was any sort of crackdown on muggers or pickpockets , but in the week before the Season of Goodwill , the Marks and Spencer store on Orchard Street gets more bomb threats than the average American Embassy east of Cyprus .
23 Not that it was a crime , she told herself hastily .
24 Not that it was ever even mentioned , ’ she added hurriedly ; ‘ Jennifer just never offered any explanation and we all jumped to our own conclusions .
25 Not that it was much use , I 'm afraid ; I met so many people the faces were just a blur . ’
26 It was ah no I mean it was you know it 's not that it was Do you mind if I watch the news at six ?
27 Perhaps the other point I can make is to go back to the question of why women tutors and people in the university generally have emphasised harassment of students by academic staff more than they 've emphasised harassment by students of one another , and I think it 's not that it was thought that students did n't commonly make each other uncomfortable , but as an issue of principle in terms of whether it 's appropriate for university or college authorities to intervene in what many people regard as students ' private lives .
28 Not if it was life or death ?
29 Everything was very hush-hush , and it was not until it was over that the name of the target was made common knowledge — not that it would have been of any interest to us if we had known beforehand , because none of us had ever heard of it .
30 He meant to , but addresses did n't seem important — well , not until it was too late .
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