Example sentences of "not [verb] [pers pn] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But she would not lend him any .
2 But we 're not handling them any better .
3 He 's not bringing me any supper .
4 I though oh bugger it I 'm not bringing it any more it 's getting too big .
5 ‘ They 're not using it any more so they 've said I can use it for canteen stuff .
6 ‘ The conventional way would be to see this movie as the rise and fall of a rock star ; I have chosen not to see it that way .
7 Yorkshire have always attracted some of their most fervent support from the North-East and they are anxious not to see it all transferred to Durham .
8 Many of the old cases could indeed be subsumed within the new doctrine , but it does not cover them all .
9 But it did not make him more in charity with Chips Salter .
10 Getting Nails into the team did not make him any nicer .
11 It has survived so long because abolishing it would have been more trouble than it was worth , but that does not make it any better in itself .
12 To know that a particular animal dance , or brightly coloured display , operates as a territorial device or as a sexual arousal mechanism does not make it any less beautiful .
13 To understand the function of bird-song does not make it any less enchanting .
14 Anticipating the problem does not make it any less likely to occur , but planning and preparing for it helps one to cope with it , and will emphasize that professional and consistent judgment has been exercised .
15 But that did not make it any easier to break the news .
16 The news of the morning broadcast had brought them all to this place , anticipating something like what they were now hearing , which did not make it any better .
17 But this does not make it any less true .
18 This realization does not make it any easier to accept that our own mercurial organ is the right size and shape for our body .
19 Offensive lack of cooperation may make the task of the constable more unpleasant , but it does not make it any more difficult than would a civilised refusal to help .
20 It does not make it any easier to do what we have to do , but it makes seeing what we have to do much clearer , because it then becomes obvious that Serbia has been the blatant aggressor in the war and that its aggression simply can not be tolerated by the international community .
21 The fact that this is happening so widely does not make it any less unwelcome , and I would like to express my own thanks to staff for their steadfastness and continuing hard work in these conditions .
22 Had Joss Barnet not joined her this morning she might have felt quite differently about the plan .
23 He saw no reason not to enjoy them all and he was quite generous enough to share his enjoyment with others by providing , once a year , a venue for the Show .
24 He did not trust his comrade not to kill them all in a fireball .
25 He had not checked them all personally .
26 She did not answer him this time , but stared back at him almost insolently , only a slight moistening of her lips betraying her nervousness .
27 We have not heard it all before , unless we have read , as few of us have , Harriet Zinnes 's compendium Ezra Pound and the Visual Arts , which all these essayists draw on very heavily .
28 She seemed to be almost floating and Maggie was astounded that the sharp stones had not given her enough pain to waken her .
29 ‘ The manager has not given me any indication whether I will play but I am ready and it would be nice if I could .
30 Unfortunately , you have not given me enough information about your medical condition or the drug which you were taking to enable me to say definitely whether or not you can make a claim .
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