Example sentences of "not [verb] [art] people " in BNC.

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1 I do not think the people of Scotland are going to put up with such a tepid state of politics for that long .
2 We 're objecting to the fact they have 28 hours of airspace that they 're devoting to people in need and yet they 're not allowing the people who are in need to say what their needs are .
3 I was reminded of the Brecht poem in which the politicians decide that they can not trust the people and that they had better elect a new one .
4 He did not know the people on it and they did not seem as keen to join as he had expected .
5 I do not know the facts and the background and have not met the people at other firms , but I am impressed by the quality of the management and the attitude of the employees at Strathtay .
6 And if he did not give the people , the sherpas who guided him through the terrain of industrial England , their own voice , the journey gave him a voice of his own .
7 Above all , I do not believe the people of Britain want to see our constitutional monarchy , the ‘ eternal jewel ’ with which our political liberties are bound up , brought into danger or contention by the deceptive device once adopted so ill-advisedly so many years ago for a purpose that is past .
8 Palafox was a great aristocrat , known to be a friend of the deposed Ferdinand and anything but a democrat ; but , as his brother made clear , the future hero of the siege of Saragossa could not master the people on any other terms .
9 Is it because the Labour party feels that it could not convince the people but could achieve its objectives through a centralist bureaucracy in Europe — rather than through argument and persuading its own people ?
10 They are taking responsibility , either they agree with their government or they do not agree with their government , but to pretend that somehow we can not at all , some of the cuts that are made , that the f the other , does not convince us , I 'm sure it does not convince the people on our right and even less more convincing than the people who are listening to us today .
11 As ever , the acid test for search consultants is not getting the people hired , but whether those people are doing an effective job two , three or four years later .
12 It exposed him to some influences that were thoroughly unhelpful , but as a matter of loyalty , and nothing else , he would not discard the people who , he believed , had been of help to him .
13 I appeal to the Secretary of State not to deny the people of Ireland the basic and fundamental right of full democracy .
14 Labour simply did not have the people on the ground to counter their lies as it used to .
15 I think they are breaking the law by not asking the people first .
16 Yesterday , Coun Sheila Brown ( Con ) said : ‘ There are over 2,000 badge holders in Darlington , not to mention the people who visit the town .
17 However , most of the material produced does not reach the people for whom it is meant , mainly because of poor communication between the producers of the materials and the health workers .
18 However , most of the material produced does not reach the people for whom it is meant , mainly because of poor communication between the producers of the materials and the health workers .
19 But the question is where will it do the greatest good … in Bosnia where it may not reach the people it 's meant for , or in Croatia where it probably will .
20 He knows that the real purpose of these television interviews is not to enlighten the people who actually watch them but to supply short quotes and sound-bites for the news programmes and the tabloids .
21 Turning to the relationship between direct land-users and conservation agents , lack of participation of the former has been attributed to governments not involving the people in the design and implementation of the project .
22 Why not let the people know ?
23 Of course , Michael and I could not let the people know that we were enemies .
24 His strength , he argues , is management and negotiation and consensus-building , not inspiring the people with rousing speeches and grand schemes , or battering enemies into intellectual submission .
25 In other words , they may win within the established system but it does not get them very far if they are not carrying the people with them in a popular crusade for change .
26 This said that the Treaty should be discussed further , since it did not reflect the people 's wish , as expressed in the March referendum [ see pp. 38078-80 ] , to preserve the Soviet Union as a federation .
27 We shall not deceive the people by saying the task of National Reconstruction is easy , or that it can be accomplished in a twelve month [ period ] .
28 There have not been as many jobs lying unfilled for at least three years , and companies simply can not find the people they need . ’
29 It is hardly surprising that he can not find the people he is looking for when even the largest organisations have so few senior women .
30 So wealth does n't make the people happy .
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