Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 According to an industrial lobby , the Union of Producers and Consumers , the new currency is not reducing inflation and is not proving to be convertible .
2 Though the School was successful on the academic side , it was not proving to be financially worthwhile , and the establishment of Public Elementary Schools by the 1870 Education Act did nothing to help .
3 Some time later , she acknowledged that the task was not proving to be as easy as she had expected .
4 The trick of public relations , Branson discovered , was not to pretend to be something you were not , but simply to project what you were on to a larger canvas .
5 She does not want of be forced into a legal structure dominated by her .
6 An early passage separates this man , who does not want to be nothing , from the trading elders of his family — pessimists who could take risks , and were consoled by their religion .
7 Cameron did not want to be asked this .
8 Eliot , distressed , wrote to Wilson and to another of his champions , Gilbert Seldes , protesting that he did not want to be praised at Pound 's expense since be was indebted to Pound ( as indeed his dedication to Pound as il miglior fabbro had elegantly acknowledged ) .
9 H&C 's management knows where it does not want to be , and has distanced itself from the previously volatile structure with some skill .
10 They do not want to be in the position of having to make decisions .
11 ‘ We accept that some of the gypsies , the traditional travellers , do not want to be settled and wish to remain mobile .
12 The bigger nations , for their part , have already developed systems of takeover supervision , and do not want to be encumbered with another layer of M&A bureaucracy .
13 We do not want to be handing our paper profits back to the Government . ’
14 Maggie did not want to be a crazy person .
15 It is , I decide , not my fault either that I am a human being who does not want to be eaten alive .
16 They will not want to be inhibited by arms control treaty commitments .
17 EFTA does not want to be a ‘ kindergarten ’ for East European countries embarking on the path to market economies , but the looser 23-nation Council of Europe — to which Hungary has already sought entry — might be asked to play this role once democratic elections are held in individual east European countries .
18 But it 's emotionally draining living here with someone who does not want to be here . ’
19 Most of our local people do not want to be tied into packages , ’ says assistant manager Tracey Johnson .
20 Desiring to flaunt his new found riches he did not want to be seen owning the house which lies behind — a rambling hotchpotch of roof lines and gables which evolved over centuries .
21 The government wants to tighten immigration controls , but it does not want to be seen as anti-Semitic .
22 Its leaders say it does not want to be responsible for any disturbances .
23 And while they force you to be what you do not want to be , they are also teaching you how to be parents .
24 For native English speakers I would give a quite different kind of lecture , and I did not want to be judged by the standards of my lectures to the Japanese , which were nearly always basic and very simple in expression .
25 He did not want to be small .
26 You do not want to be hungry .
27 Some of the things we have listed ( such as Weetabix or baked beans ) have sugar in them anyway so ideally you do not want to be adding even more sugar to breakfast meals .
28 The only times I do not want to be a writer are when I want to be a painter , and the only times I want to be a painter are when I am taken by the cast or mobility on a person 's face .
29 Reports from the Wehrmacht ‘ Armaments Inspectorates ’ claimed that workers on reserved occupations in armaments factories did not want to be left out of the army and were pressing to join up .
30 He will obviously not want to be caught , and when he is , any number of problems may become apparent .
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