Example sentences of "not [verb] [conj] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Also make sure that cisterns are well insulated with a proper insulating jacket ( or one constructed from loft insulation blanket ) , but do not insulate or put loft insulation under the cistern , so that some heat can pass through the ceiling to the water inside .
2 In real life you will not have this limitation , but it will still be important not to ramble and repeat yourself .
3 My own opinion — for what it is worth in view of the two cases above referred to — is that trustees are the proper persons to be assessed in all cases in which the income of the trust estate received by them , or to which they are entitled , is not tax-deducted at source ; and that — in the case of income of the trust estate which is tax deducted at source — they could not be heard to ask repayment of the tax on the plea that the income did not arise or accrue to them but to others , whether such others were income-beneficiaries or capital-beneficiaries .
4 They argue that it is misguided to pretend that these proscribed organisations ( like Sinn Fein ) either do not exist or do not carry massive popular support .
5 They may not exist or access to them may be refused .
6 When the sentence has been passed , possibly ( as the sentencer indicated in this case ) with the benefit of some mitigation , it is discovered that the means to pay either did not exist or have in one way or another disappeared .
7 But for certain reasons , which I will mention presently , we do n't want to use it ; so we pretend that it does not exist and hope that no one will be guilty of such bad taste as to refer to it . )
8 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
9 These names need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid names which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
10 These identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
11 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
12 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
13 These names need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid names which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
14 A board of directors could not exist and act as a corporate entity if it were composed of two groups of people , each deriving its authority from and answerable to a different principal body , the one liable to be in conflict with the other ; for it would in fact be a negotiating committee .
15 In most social research the researcher aims to be detached and not to affect or interfere with that which is being studied .
16 It said that the auditors knew that Union Discount was extending credit to Berg and it was foreseeable that it would be sent copies of the accounts and would rely on them when making decisions whether or not to continue or extend credit .
17 ‘ Why not think and act as Great Britain Incorporate ? ’ . he asked .
18 You are old , you are bed-ridden , the work falls to me , you do not think or care , lying here day after day , waited upon and given in to , without worries or anxiety .
19 Equipment can not think or solve problems ; humans can .
20 In the full face of the ridicule she went to the post office evening after evening , ridicule she willed not to see or notice .
21 So , as soon as the misbehaviour begins , turn away or walk away from your child ; pretend not to see or hear what is going on ; say nothing and try not to show any expression at all ; resist getting into any debate , argument or discussion with your child while he or she is misbehaving .
22 Spores of the fungus developing on one particular plant are likely to land on neighbouring plants that are so genetically different that the spores can not germinate and grow .
23 ‘ One does not compare or contrast that .
24 Faye could not paint or draw while lying in bed , but in the mornings Belinda usually read to her for an hour while she rested her eyes , then left her alone for the remainder of the morning to rest or scribble ideas for future painting projects .
25 Unlike babies , we do not eat or drink just because we are hungry or thirsty .
26 There is absolutely nothing you can not eat or drink if you want to .
27 Father said she 'd not eat or drink till she gave in ?
28 It can not eat or drink .
29 Preparation , do not eat or drink four hours before your appointment .
30 On admission he had an extremely sore throat and could not eat or speak .
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