Example sentences of "not [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Early in the year , SCS could report a record quarter for increases in sales , capital and membership , reflecting a picture of growth over the year that did not dispel fears of the adverse influence of political involvement on trade .
2 A lot of Tories wanted John Patten out of education , but even tough leaders do not sack ministers in mid-crisis .
3 Not seeing Fen for weeks or seeing him and knowing the futility of it all .
4 Leith asked promptly , sometimes not seeing Rosemary for days , but missing her now she was n't around .
5 As far as he was concerned , homosexuality did not exist north of Hampstead ( or perhaps south of it , either ) and despite the fact that its local manifestation was sitting in front of him he would not be convinced .
6 The details of the story of this major theory change , a change that took place over one and a half centuries , do not lend support to the methodologies advocated by the inductivists and falsificationists , and indicate a need for a different , more complexly structured account of science and its growth .
7 Finally , evidence from what was arguably the most traumatic period for capitalism , the post-1929 Depression in the United States , does not lend support to the real-balance hypothesis : ‘ For the 1929–32 period as a whole there was an increase in real balances of 42 per cent , and a decrease in real income of 40 per cent ’ ( Patinkin , 1951 ) .
8 ECGD does not lend money to companies but does offer a number of schemes to banks to allow them to finance exports at interest rates which are often significantly below prevailing market rates .
9 This is not to evade questions of strategy and tactics , merely to place them in an appropriate context .
10 FIVE schoolchildren in Japan were given 100-volt electric shocks for not bringing textbooks to class .
11 The counsellor has to enter into the family dynamic , not intrusively , not demanding compliance with the wishes or even with the needs of the elderly counsellee , but to ensure that the feelings and needs of each member of the family , however weak , are heard .
12 Voice of Lebanon radio reported on June 24 that Gen. Aoun had told Scheer that he was not demanding amendments to the accord , but simply a reconsideration of some of its provisions .
13 The natural communication system for humans is speech , not typing messages on keyboards and watching messages on television screens .
14 Paragraph ( c ) would appear not to affect decisions in cases such as Kendall v. Lillico ( see paragraph 10–07 ) and Cointat v. Myham ( see paragraph 10–08 ) cases where the purchaser chooses to buy goods for his business from a seller whose terms he has in a consistent course of dealing been apparently quite happy to accept or where the purchaser buys goods in a market in which a trade custom shows that merchants have found exclusion terms to be acceptable .
15 In fact only one DCSL has a teaching qualification , but this has not stopped others from becoming fully involved in curricular discussions in project schools .
16 Stirling 's decision not to continue writer in residence is ill-advised
17 Your attire must tell other walkers and climbers how serious you are , indicate the status you enjoy in the world of mountaineering , and not make locals in the mountain 's nearest bar fall dangerously silent when you pop in for a pint on the way back home .
18 Friend not lose sight of the fact that need does not always exist only in the inner areas of a city . ’
19 Now it did n't mean that you build his war machine , but the Kuwaiti people being so close , or actually bordering , we helped the economy of Baghdad , we helped the economy of the Iraq , and we contributed thirteen billion dollars , just the government alone , to their economy and the people of Kuwait also helped with their own private donation to help the schools , the hospitals , the food , whatever they needed , and the country of Kuwait was erm trying to be , as my friend said , as neutral as possible because there is Irani interest in Kuwait , very great through trade , through Iranis who work in Kuwait , so we had a very difficult position with respect to keeping both parties erm sort of in sight , not lose sight of them from our humanistic point of view , but it was erm difficult to avoid being on the side of the Iraqui , mainly because they 're neighbours and they 're Arabs , and you 're part of the league of Arab states , so you ca n't draw the line and say the government was pro or against , but that was the atmosphere which we were leaving .
20 A high-rise block of flats had been clamped down on a street that did not think well of itself at the best of times .
21 Joan 's friends did not think Branson to be a particularly eligible figure .
22 Rather than investigate ways of cleaning waste water , researchers at the German Textile Research Centre decided to explore the possibility of not using water in the dyeing process at all .
23 The person who prescribed the medicine may have had homoeopathic experience but was not using homoeopathy in this case .
24 More importantly , he was a little wary of her father and not at all sure that Burkett was not using Sylvia as bait for a cast of his own .
25 Not to see points like that ( and there are more obvious ones ) is in a way shameful .
26 He invented a serious accident for his wife as an excuse not to see Eleanor for a while .
27 Polanski replied that he could not rush matters of a sexual nature .
28 Meanwhile , to ensure that the Germans did not rush reinforcements by rail to the threatened area , General Alexei Alexeievich Brusilov , commanding the South West Front , was ordered to make menacing probes in his area .
29 The Enduring Powers of Attorney Act 1985 , although extending powers beyond the onset of incompetence does not cover decisions concerning the grantor 's person , which would include treatment , but appears to relate only to the management of his property .
30 Loughlin , out until Christmas , broke his arm playing for Great Britain against New South Wales Country , and Saints have been told that insurance does not cover players on international duty .
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