Example sentences of "not [verb] for [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 It is all perfectly logical and unambiguous , but not designed for people .
2 Figures are not collected for people with AIDS Related Complex ( ARC ) , which can be an equally disturbing disease ( see Section 4 ) .
3 He is not looking for people who can make decisions for him , but people through whom he can implement his decisions .
4 I never go in changing rooms , because I 'm not prepared for people to say , ‘ Oh , look at her leg ! ’
5 I 'm not prepared I 'm not prepared for individuals to get up but if your not if you do n't want to listen to what I 've got to say that 's okay but I do n't I 'm not prepared for people to perhaps to start making personal points about people actual work within the I certainly would n't do it I do n't think it 's it 's a question of .
6 And he will answer , ‘ I tell you this : anything you did not do for one of these , however humble , you did not do for me. , Matthew 25 : 31 — 46 New English Bible
7 Do n't expect everything to be crystal clear , or cut and dried for Monday 's one of those times when you have to take the lead and not wait for folk to spell things out in words of one syllable .
8 For the same calculation other pupils rounded 17p to 20p , a strategy which works here but would not work for £1.50 .
9 The dean 's daughter did not care for shell-fish , so they were forced to start dinner with caviare .
10 Those sort of jobs just do n't exist for people like you and me .
11 It is n't prescribed for people under 19 or over 65 , and you should not take it if you have heart trouble , particularly angina .
12 In desperation I sometimes reverted to tuning step-by-step by harmonics , something I have n't done for yonks .
13 It was n't easy , but it 's better than burning yourself out making pictures you do n't like for people you do n't respect …
14 Tupperware does n't advertise for staff — all its demonstrators are recruited on personal recommendations .
15 You could n't move for people .
16 But it can not last for long because at this level our exporters ca n't compete for sales across the Atlantic .
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