Example sentences of "not [vb pp] by any " in BNC.

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1 Although there was a Jacobite rebellion in the summer of 1689 , led by John Graham of Claverhouse , Viscount Dundee , and supported by some of the Highland clans , it was not joined by any of the major regional magnates .
2 It is not biased by any particular physical storage structure that may be used .
3 ‘ I 'm not consumed by any free-floating desire for anything — certainly not an object to serve and adore . ’
4 The second was sadness at the wasted years of cricket greatness for the likes of Mike Procter , Barry Richards , Graeme Pollock and others , although the sadness was not tinged by any regret at having jointed the campaign to exclude South African sport form international participation .
5 Morgan , who alleged that her ex-husband Eric Foretich had sexually abused the child — an allegation not sustained by any court — had been imprisoned in 1987 for contempt of court after refusing to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter [ see also p. 37407 ] .
6 The picture of an old man in the sky is not taught by any of the great religions — yet this may come as a surprise to many people today .
7 Attainment of the competence award is not limited by any specific time period or course length , so candidates will be able to come forward for assessment whenever they have accumulated the required evidence of competence against national standards .
8 On the other hand in the fact that they were not limited by any central representative institutions , and that they based their power largely on their armies and bureaucracies , they were in the main stream of continental absolutism .
9 This change , which was not provoked by any external force , was inspired by Muhammad ibn Ali , great-grandson of Abbas , an uncle of the Prophet , whence the name of the Abbasid dynasty which now succeeded the Umayyads .
10 He was a skilled architect who would grow used to praise , but he must have been pleased to hear that the Goldsmiths regarded his school as " not excelled by any other building of a similar construction in solidity , taste , and execution .
11 If his mother 's ambition for him was not discouraged by any of the family , neither had it occasioned much more than a passing interest .
12 It is sometimes supposed , by those who do allow that consciousness is a reality not caught by any of the doctrines we have considered , that none the less nothing enlightening can be said of it .
13 The Regulations clearly could be useful as a last resort , where the advertisement is not caught by any other legal provision and there is no other effective way of dealing with it , e.g. an advertisement falsely stating ‘ closing down sale ’ ( see paragraph 16. -14 above ) .
14 Mocking Mrs Thatcher 's claim that Conservative policies had achieved an economic miracle , Mr Kinnock said after 10 years with oil revenues not enjoyed by any of Britain 's competitors , the country had 2 million unemployed , the highest inflation , highest interest rates and biggest balance of payments deficit of the industrialised countries .
15 On some days ( not enjoyed by any of us ) perhaps as many as a quarter of our cases will be requests for euthanasia .
16 The sin , curiously enough was not committed by any woman .
17 When consumed as such , its entry in the bloodstream is not preceded by any metabolic work .
18 TNC consists of government proposals but these were not preceded by any kind of inquiry or the involvement of professional educationists or practitioners .
19 There are a larger number of informal meetings not preceded by any significant preparation to deal with the day-to-day problems of keeping the project moving .
20 This marks the point of her switch to London English , which is not preceded by any pause or hesitation marker : " what did you say again … what did you say ? "
21 Funding for research of this kind has been on a scale not approached by any other area of sociological enquiry .
22 It was not paralleled by any externally influenced recomposition of the political forces in Finland , and in the Afghan case it is precisely the issue of the internal composition of the Afghan regime which will determine whether Afghanistan will eventually embark on a more truly non-aligned path .
23 A CENTENARIAN 'S recollection of a long past event makes it immediate and gives a human perspective not matched by any written account , or artifact .
24 The loyalty to the Crown of English settlers was not matched by any comparable institutional framework ; a well-informed observer on the continent of Europe might reasonably have expected that the execution of Charles I would lead to the disintegration of his empire overseas and that the Republic would be unable to assert any authority at all over emigrants whose political links with England were already so relatively weak .
25 For practical purposes £10 was the minimum assessment of clothiers and men of similar standing ; the high proportion in Suffolk worth upwards of £100 is not matched by any other extant muster book , and is unlikely to have been equalled anywhere else outside London .
26 The proportion responding that they thought they could trust the United Sates " a great deal " was 62% ( up from 45% in 1975 ) , a figure not matched by any other country : the closest was Norway , which 37% thought they could trust to the same extent .
27 To put the matter another way , we might say that the beginnings of humans society were traumatic — that is , that they were occasioned by an overwhelmingly powerful and unexpected event for which our ancestors were not prepared by any instinctual responses of an automatic sort and which left long-lasting and indeed indelible effects on the human psyche .
28 Unlike Rawls , however , this principle of liberty is not tempered by any principle of justice which recognizes a principle of equality .
29 But to refer to Wladek as ‘ a typical representative of the culturally passive mass which constitutes in every civilised society the enormous majority of the population ’ is to do less than justice to a tale which is at times very lively indeed and which was surely not written by any ‘ passive ’ sort of person .
30 It is also easy to see the patches of dark nebulosity which are not illuminated by any convenient stars , and make their presence known by blotting out the light of objects beyond .
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