Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 She had not stopped to think that she might be inserting herself into a social scene that she had walked away from when she had left home .
2 But feminists may be well aware that , in calling God Father , it is not intended to say that God literally has sexuality , while yet wanting to maintain that this is problematic .
3 This list of problems with enumerative schemes is not intended to demonstrate that enumerative schemes are not effective in the organization of knowledge .
4 Apparently it is not intended to decide that a bowler with a long run pays more than a dashing opening batsman , but rather to ensure that a highly-paid Test cricketer does not necessarily pay the same amount as a young uncapped player .
5 The use of a picture taken inside the Ministry of Sound club in our article on the drugs Ecstasy and Ketamine ( April 3 ) was intended merely to show young people in a club and was not intended to suggest that drugs are permitted or used at the Ministry of Sound .
6 It was not intended to suggest that these were battered wives .
7 The previous paragraph is not intended to suggest that there have been no problems with the allocation of funds through RAWP .
8 The preceding discussion is not intended to suggest that war is a wholly autonomous factor in political life .
9 The proposal for the " rapid reaction " force was not intended to suggest that NATO might undertake " out-of-area " military commitments .
10 They are not intended to suggest that any given product does no harm whatsoever to the environment .
11 This latter point is not intended to imply that scientists have suddenly ‘ got God ’ ; rather that they have generally refused to admit that , if some event is widely reported in religious writings , there is a very good chance that it did in fact happen .
12 Our use of this metaphor is not intended to imply that heroin use is a physical disease with viral or organic origins .
13 It should also be emphasised at this point that references to the ‘ public interest ’ are not intended to imply that there is a consensus as about what constitutes the public good or that it is objectively determinable .
14 It is not intended to imply that there are no significant or even causal relations between institutional and formational relationships ; indeed , as we shall see , these will often and perhaps always be present .
15 Assurances were given that the tests were not designed to show that men or women are in some way ‘ better ’ than each other , but to trace and display managerial traits and aptitudes .
16 Freud came to see , later , that human beings are not predisposed to admit that they are organisms which die and are destructive any more than they had been prepared to admit that young children , under five years of age , were sexual .
17 I was just not prepared to let that go when I sold Low Birk Hatt because it was my parents ' dream house .
18 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
19 With the advances in information technology , answers to many questions could be delivered in minutes , not just on industrial issues , like how cold does it have to be before we stop work , or how heavy a load should I lift , but other questions not related to work that we have not always answered in the past .
20 He concludes with this paragraph : If religion throughout the ages , and certainly in many parts of the world today , has been used as a weapon for destructive purposes , are we not called to demonstrate that as people of faith we can both live in passionate commitment to our respective tradition and at the same time in compassionate respect for each other and to affirm that the faith commitment of each one is only truly realized when we live in that mutual respect accordingly ?
21 The Regional Council has not attempted to argue that increased levels of infill can and do compensate for a shortage in the HP4 supply .
22 The rest of the section were standing in the rain with all their clothes spread out on the wet grass because he had not wanted to admit that he was ill .
23 For example , although the Bonapartist state is a pertinent effect of the peasant class , this is not meant to imply that there is a unidirectional causal link between the peasantry and Bonapartism .
24 This is not meant to imply that the details of the interaction are the same in both proteins .
25 She had not meant to imply that the Archdeacon was idly curious .
26 Moreover , the word ‘ notion ’ is not meant to suggest that he is talking of an idea in our minds ; he is concerned rather with that actual feature of good things which is picked out by the word ‘ good ’ .
27 Rehabilitation officer Margaret Harding , 64 , was not meant to know that a special presentation had been organised , but word soon got out .
28 The steward was not left to mourn that his bottles found no custom : there was treating and return treating , and one humble Highlander who could sing Gaelic songs was made the sink into which was poured the spirits bought by sundry odd pence ; and , to the satisfaction of those who deem it a noble accomplishment the filling a man drunk , this Celt was brought into that pitiable condition , and manifested the power of the spirits over his brain in rather a curious way , — he was for kissing all round .
29 To be fair , the C E C have not tried to say that everything in the garden is rosy , they 've also highlighted a number of problem areas that still exist .
30 The patients here were obviously not allowed to feel that nobody cared about them .
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