Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 They will be wholly ineffective for this purpose if the patient is incapable of understanding them , they are not explained to him and there is no good evidence ( apart from the patient 's signature ) that he had that understanding and fully appreciated the significance of signing it .
2 When we at last learned his name , we had not heard of him at all .
3 I 'm surprised I 've not heard of him before .
4 I had not heard of him since .
5 Do n't tell me you 've not heard of him !
6 Rick 's old agent , however , had not heard from him in ten years , and could neither confirm nor deny the rumour .
7 Despite leaving numerous messages with his assistant and wife , she still had not heard from him .
8 I 've written to him , I 've not heard from him yet suggesting you know er say that we 'd like to have a seminar afternoon .
9 ‘ No , I have not heard from him for a month now . ’
10 the ‘ evidence ’ comes from the subject himself and is not given to him by another person .
11 Not come to him .
12 The anxieties and misgivings of the past few days disappeared as though they had never been , as Johnny kissed her and touched her and told her of his need for her ; of his despair when she had not come to him .
13 After some time he found himself down at the Green , where Emily had not come with him ; and remembered Emily , and decided that he must ask her to become engaged to him before he went , to wait for him ; would she agree ?
14 A man had hidden in a window seat ; his enemies had not looked for him there because on top of the seat , someone had laid a sleeping child .
15 I assured him that the man concerned had as good or as bad claims as anyone on the List and that my remarks were not addressed to him .
16 But the idea had not originated with him .
17 Afternoon programmes were not designed for him , but he stayed on a black and white film .
18 Most of the printed newsbooks now attributed to Mabbott 's editorship were probably not written by him , although there is some evidence that he may have had a hand in The Perfect Diurnall ( 1642–55 ) , edited by Samuel Pecke .
19 When Mr Deane eventually left Ireland later in 1978 he confided to the Cork Examiner that the decision to have violent confrontation at Barnahely was not made by him : ‘ That morning was handled on the advice of other people .
20 Psychologically , the darkness had not done with him .
21 The Plymouth Brethren were founded in that year of 1820 , by an Anglican ex-clergyman , on the basis of strict Calvinism , which had been a considerable influence earlier on John Wesley , but not embraced by him .
22 I 'm not bothered about him .
23 Our Tom do n't like it when he flies and yet , they 're not bothered about him , that one , that 's the one that bites .
24 The dying Pitt , rejoicing in the House of Lords that the grave had not closed over him before he could protest against ‘ the dismemberment of this noble empire ’ , was a tragic figure ; but the tragedy was in the absurdity of the protest .
25 Though Ivan claimed success with women , despite or because of his natural handicaps , and Liz herself , though she had not slept with him , had on one occasion in the early years of her marriage to Charles found herself , to her own surprise , sitting on a table in a flat in Belsize Park Gardens with Ivan 's hand inside her bra .
26 She certainly had not thought of him as ‘ shaping ’ at all in any direction .
27 This surprised me , as I had not thought of him as someone who would favour me , and in any case I presumed that he would support Willie Whitelaw .
28 They had not thought of him often in the years between , but he had never been very far from the borders of their hard and wary lives .
29 The idea of touching people in the crowd or letting people in the crowd touch him was something that had not occurred to him , but to be beautiful and that remote — you 've got to get a crowd to touch him because that was what really got them wild .
30 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
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