Example sentences of "not [adv] as [det] " in BNC.

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1 There are a number of reasons for breaking the existing cycle , and replacing it with a system in which people would work for so many hours a month , not necessarily as many as at present .
2 Well no not perhaps as many as last year .
3 The work of the police , according to Sir Robert Mark in 1978 , now required ‘ not only as much physical courage and dedication as policing parts of Victorian London but a great deal more moral courage than has been required by the police at any time since Peel ’ .
4 Not admittedly as much as the argument about whether you can see Schiehallion or not , but certainly enough to end in tears .
5 Just because we grow older , it does n't mean that we are not just as much in need of comfort from those around us .
6 That is why radicals need the past not just as much as conservatives but more than they .
7 It 's more aerodynamic , the interior has been improved ( although not nearly as much as it should have been ) , the new engine has more power and yet is no thirstier , and the new suspension means safer , more predictable , handling .
8 I ended up with a lot of material on the pressures , conflicts and obsessions side ; and not nearly as much about the pleasures , the fun and creativity of putting looks together , the sensual side to feeling good in what you are wearing , the pleasure of dressing up , or challenging people by dressing down .
9 But should the barrels stay missing for a while , they are not likely to be posing much of a health hazard — at least , not nearly as much as that posed by the tonnes of poison whose storage , legal or otherwise , is now going to be looked into .
10 Researchers found that thin people also experienced food cravings , but not nearly as much as those who were overweight .
11 We saved money , but not nearly as much as expected .
12 ‘ Okay , we are paying him plenty — not nearly as much as he gets in F1 — but real good .
13 I thought that people were always disappointed in their old friends ' children , seeing them as diluted , distorted versions of their parents , not nearly as much fun and full of peculiar new ideas .
14 And not nearly as much as we used to get back in the good old days , when alien abductions were all the rage .
15 Not nearly as much as his nearness was upsetting her nervous system now , she thought .
16 He had lists of his own , though not nearly as many as Mr Major .
17 Since then , looking back on it , there had been too many children 's holidays and not nearly as many lunches with girls in the ‘ Dolce Vita ’ as a man deserved .
18 For a start , as there were not nearly as many competitors , there would have been fewer qualifying runs .
19 Not quite as much as it used to be .
20 Cloud has been affecting most parts of the Midlands today but not quite as much as up there in Scotland although that 's gon na make a bit of an impression on us tomorrow .
21 Erm then we had one at Sk Hulton in July and we won that er , not quite as much of a whitewash was it ?
22 ‘ Hey — it 's not quite as much as that ! ’
23 Not quite as much as a hot summer 's day .
24 Not half as much as I am of you ! thought Henry , as he ran his eyes down the rest of the manuscript ( she must have written it before going to sleep ) .
25 Not half as much as I 'd like to — ’ the voice stopped .
26 Not half as much as we are .
27 Not half as much as Oliver Craddock . ’
28 ‘ Pah , nothing 's left from the previous existence — only the mere lees and dregs of thought , dreams of past time that the creature does not heed , or not half as much as the figments he has derived from Milton !
29 Not half as much as that did ’ .
30 It 's not half as much as she charges in her shop .
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