Example sentences of "not [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After wearing out writers , the script was completed , not entirely to Brando 's satisfaction , but he told producer Aaron Rosenberg , ‘ If this is what you want , this is what you 'll get .
2 I said I doubt QPR would accept that much … but she said that Gerry Francis ( that ex Suffragette/Black/Leeds player ; - ) ) is looking for replacements as he is resigned to losing Bardsley … not necessarily to Leeds Id imagine .
3 Those with higher levels of education are more likely than those with only a primary education to attach significance to the action of government , to believe that they can have some influence on government , to pay attention to politics and election campaigns , to take the view ( though not necessarily to practice it ) that citizens should be active in their local community , to hold opinions on a wide range of political subjects , and to be actively involved in politics .
4 I just , I talk to , often to some of them and not enough to others .
5 Too much attention was paid to low-damage but high-publicity cases like oil spills and the famous toxic waste in Love Canal , not enough to habitat loss and global warming .
6 But it is not enough to single out this or that Minister , or even the officials responsible .
7 They are not much to look at but they may contain oil , which is why the Philippines keeps a garrison there .
8 It was a beginning , but 1815 was reached with not much to acclaim in day-school provision for working-class children and with no national policy as yet in prospect .
9 The Nobel prize for religion ( God forbid it should ever be invented ) will not go to a theologian , or like the peace prize be passed round to whoever fits the political needs of the moment ( with all due respect to Bishop Tutu and not much to Mr Begin ) .
10 This was a problem as some of the hospital buildings would readily convert to offices , but not so to flats .
11 If the seller commits any breach ( even a minor one ) of a term which is clearly a condition , the buyer will be entitled not only to damages but also to reject the goods and treat himself as discharged from his obligations .
12 Open at management level , not only to HCIMA members , but also to the industry as a whole , the management development topics will cover a range of disciplines , from marketing and personnel to finance .
13 Whilst choice theories firmly limit the range of legal obligations to the parties to an agreement , the ‘ harm to interests ’ theory envisages a broader range of obligations owed not only to persons who have chosen to enter an agreement together but also to anyone whose interests are subjected to the risk of harm .
14 The castle and grounds , which include the greatest arboretum in Poland , at present belong to the colossal state forestry authority , while the collections have been dispersed not only to Poznan , but also to Warsaw , whose National Museum is sitting on the remains of the unique collection of Etruscan and Greek vases ( some are in Moscow , while others were looted by the Germans , along with all the Limoges enamels , some of which regularly turn up in Western collections ) .
15 Her sotto voce remark unfortunately chanced to coincide with a lull in the conversation , so that it was clearly audible not only to Karelius but most of the others .
16 At present any member of the public can consult it all day long , all year round , and there is no doubt that it has been of invaluable help not only to scholars but also to the art trade .
17 In Director of Public Prosecutions v. Gordon [ 1990 ] R.T.R. 71 it was held that Hobbs v. Clark applied not only to driver 's option cases but also to obligatory section 7(4) cases and this was followed in Paterson v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1990 ] R.T.R. 329 .
18 The Soviet Union is offering time on the Salyut 7 X-ray telescopes not only to France , but also to Holland , West Germany and the European Space Agency .
19 The Bill gives the Secretary of State wide-ranging new powers , relating not only to capping but to the vast number of orders and regulations that he will be able to issue , and even to the grants that will be given to London 's voluntary organisations .
20 It represents totally unfair competition , not only to Tennis World but also to Tennis Magazine .
21 Anyone familiar with CPE Bach 's exhilarating setting will no doubt have noticed its indebtedness not only to J S Bach , but also to Telemann , and other representatives of a definable Rococco school of German composition .
22 Like the Race Relations Act 1976 it applies not only to discrimination in relation to admissions , but also to the benefits , facilities and services offered by the school and the arrangements for discipline , including exclusion from school .
23 Being a man myself , the similarity by which I recognize as a man must be not only to others previously classified as men but to myself ; I assume , and when close enough to read expression and gesture simulate , thought and emotion like mine , turning his observed behaviour inside out .
24 This service , which has been provided by Bob Peckford , is available not only to members but to all who have cause to complain about discrimination on account of deafness or hearing impairment .
25 Assistance with rent and rates for people on a low income is available not only to council tenants , but also to tenants or private landlords , those who live in housing association accommodation and owner occupiers .
26 The principle of quality costing applies not only to RX 's external customers but also to each workgroup 's internal customers within the RX value chain .
27 William of Normandy , in his mid-twenties , was already married to Matilda , the daughter of Baldwin of Flanders , flouting Pope Leo 's injunction , linking him not only to Lille and Bruges and Ghent , but to Tostig , the son of Earl Godwin who had married Judith of Flanders , Matilda 's aunt .
28 The risen Lord had appeared not only to women , Peter , and the rest of the Twelve but also to James ( 1 Cor. 15 : 5–7 ) .
29 The new provisions apply not only to goods but also to services , accommodation or facilities .
30 We should take this to refer not only to Bacon 's schemes for collaboration in natural philosophy , schemes actually embodied in the existence of the Royal Society , but also to his very conception of that subject .
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