Example sentences of "not [adv] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However , these classifications can not successfully be extrapolated to gastrointestinal lymphomas as MALT lymphocytes and their derived lymphomas seem to have a physiology that differs from their nodal counterparts .
2 Slowish tempos are to some degree unavoidable , because of the textural detail in Mozart 's score ; and the conductor can not altogether be blamed for the ways in which the music is softened .
3 In the usual way the ratio will largely if not wholly be determined in advance of preparation of the firm 's accounts , though , if desired , to follow a modern practice of American origin , final determination of each partner 's share could be agreed to be deferred until after the year 's profits have been ascertained and the performance of each partner assessed in that context : in the interim , permitted drawings would be based on past performance .
4 It is difficult to resist the observation that in view of the anaemic definition of the offence , affray can not properly be characterised as being committed by a number of people fighting in public , even if that is the most commonly charged form of it .
5 Dr Laternser immediately rose to protest that the witness had never been in the German army and therefore could not properly be asked or answer any such questions .
6 Zimbabwe 's election to the top shelf can not properly be justified , and renders future results and averages farcical .
7 The needs of blind and partially sighted people can not properly be met within a ‘ standardised ’ care management system , says a new report published by CCETSW .
8 Inevitably we are moved in the direction of using proxies which can not properly be validated .
9 Erm , but my Lord er I think the difficulty is that as far as my learned friend is concerned er he takes the view and it 's probably better for him to develop this your Lordship , that the matters can not properly be separated and he wishes your Lordship to deal with them in total so that er the whole picture can be seen at liability stage .
10 The petitioner took the view that involuntary agency could not properly be distinguished either from notification au parquet , to which the authors of the Convention were clearly opposed , or from such devices as service upon a State official , typically the Secretary of State , permitted in various United States jurisdictions .
11 At the same time , a constituency should form a homogenous whole and , ideally , it should not be so large in area that its affairs can not properly be overseen by its Members .
12 However , the Rome Convention can not properly be treated as determinative of the construction of article 5(1) .
13 And it is here that we come to the nub , theoretically , of the problem with Adorno 's whole approach to listening Dick Bradley ( n.d. ) points out that within a Marxist framework production and consumption can not properly be given the near-identity which Adorno attributes to them .
14 Indeed , the politics of the last thirty years of the century can not properly be understood without reference to the wealth and ambition of the members of the king 's own family .
15 This book concentrates on legal control by the courts , but the role and significance of judicial control can not properly be understood without examining its relationship to alternative methods of control ; and so , in Part V , certain non-judicial controls will also be considered .
16 Also there are elements in these sculptures which can not properly be understood if one has not first considered the contemporary revolution in painting .
17 As to the second , there are two fractals in physics whose D is fairly well accounted for , namely the ‘ Brownian ’ drift of a small particle jostled by molecules in a fluid which is an erratic curve with D=2 , and the hierarchy of density fluctuations in a fluid at the critical point where it can not properly be considered as liquid or gas .
18 Their relative goodness of fit can not properly be judged because the hypotheses do not cover the same input .
19 It could not properly be interpreted as leaving a gap where that unusual situation arose .
20 The seller delivered copra cake so contaminated with castor beans that it " could not properly be described as copra cake at all " .
21 Similarly in Karsales ( Harrow ) Ltd v Wallis [ 1956 ] 2 All ER 266 the seller of a car was guilty of a total failure to perform where the car delivered was in such a poor condition that it was totally incapable of self-propulsion and could not properly be described as a " car " .
22 On the other hand the very nature of the work may be such as to make it quite clear that the duties of the employee to his employer can not properly be performed if he engages in certain activities in his spare time .
23 Conversely , the ethically proper allocation of funds to health , as compared to education or defence , is quintessentially an issue for political debate , and can not properly be left for individuals in the trenches to fight over , when they have no knowledge or view of the larger issues .
24 Wild creatures , tamed or untamed , shall be regarded as property ; but a person can not steal a wild creature not tamed nor ordinarily kept in captivity , or the carcase of any such creature , unless either it has been reduced into possession by or on behalf of another person and possession of it has not since been lost or abandoned , or another person is in course of reducing it into possession ( s.4(4) ) .
25 1064 ) , has not since been doubted .
26 Another outstanding Box feature was SIMON AND LAURA ( 1956 ) a comedy about live television production starring Kay Kendall and Peter Finch whose wit and sharpness has not since been rivalled by films on similar themes .
27 In that year the editor is to be found wondering " whether the fate of " English Studies " will not eventually be smothered in a kind of woolly and impenetrable fog of wordiness that few or none will be bothered to penetrate " .
28 This happened rather often , and if the inhabitants of Oswaldston had not mostly been shut up in front of their televisions at this time of day , it might already have given rise to some talk .
29 any other financial arrangements contained in the agreement shall not thereby be rendered void or unenforceable and shall , unless they are void or unenforceable for any other reason ( and subject to sections 35 and 36 , below ) be binding on the parties to the agreement .
30 We saw in Section II that shape-perception is not needed for the recognition of object-identity , so that if we were to attribute identity-perception to a creature ( perhaps because of its ability to follow a moving target ) we would not thereby be justified in attributing shape-perception also .
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