Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb pp] him " in BNC.

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1 He suddenly felt horribly drunk , but his wits had not altogether left him and he had a nasty inkling that his speech was not to the point .
2 They had not entirely forgotten him back home , then , although he had been away 37 years .
3 He said he believed the Emperor was with the troops on the Brussels road , but he had not personally seen him .
4 But it is that same obstinacy or , put another way , determination to win , that has not only made him a successful captain , but also into one of the most feared batsmen in the world .
5 It had been Kurt who had set up the dozens of licensing deals for menswear and toiletries , bedlinen and beachwear , soft furnishings and costume jewellery , all bearing the name of Hugo Varna , which had not only saved him from bankruptcy but also made him his first million .
6 Fabia was seated beside Ven in a taxi when she realised that furious would be an understatement for what Ven would be if he ever learned that she had not only deceived him but , to add insult to injury , allowed him , believing her to be someone else , to house her and feed her into the bargain .
7 His contact had not merely tipped him off that drugs were on the premises , he had told him where to look .
8 So far , I have not talked much about man in particular , though I have not deliberately excluded him either .
9 Deng 's developmentalist stance had not always endeared him to Mao , but had aligned him to some extent with Premier Zhou , who also saw overly radical , leftist policies as a threat to China 's economic and social development .
10 I have not often heard him condemn his hon. Friends who did not pay it .
11 His present celebrity is a fairly recent phenomenon , and he insists that it has not really affected him , although he acknowledges that his appearances on television shows and in magazine profiles have somewhat robbed him of the anonymity which still clings to his ‘ invisible ’ friend , Cartier-Bresson .
12 But it had not really exposed him to the form of politics that he was about to encounter again in France — parliamentary politics .
13 You 've not even made him a potful .
14 I had not been thinking about him , I had not even seen him for months .
15 The driver had not even seen him .
16 And I had not even asked him for his name !
17 But the burden of it , the reality of what he had become while he slept , had not yet touched him .
18 Cardiff will be without their international hooker Ian Watkins , who was sent off in the game with Pontypridd on Boxing Day , and also the Lions three-quarter Mike Hall whose former club Bridgend have not yet granted him a transfer .
19 I have not yet given him his dinner .
20 There are three kinds of people : those who have sought God and found him , and these are reasonable and happy ; those who seek God and have not yet found him , and these are reasonable and unhappy ; and those who neither seek God nor find him , and these are unreasonable and unhappy .
21 So that a knife in Mr Rattrie 's feckless ribs would have cost her less in penal servitude , if she had not actually killed him , than Miss Gemma Dallam 's satin .
22 What the one no we have n't just seen him .
23 She had n't really given him time to explain , just looked at that horrible creature prancing about in the hall all sexed up , and assumed the worst .
24 He had n't really believed him but he 'd dug all the same and his Dad had been angry .
25 She had n't really believed him , but so much of her new life had still to make sense to her that she had not challenged his statement .
26 But I did n't think they would put the band back together ; David had mentioned it a couple of times but I had n't really taken him that seriously .
27 It had n't really hurt him , only a number of bumps like , you know .
28 She had n't simply evaded him ; she 'd evaded him each time with an ease that had left him looking like a fool .
29 Deafened by thoughts he could n't begin to guess at , she had n't even heard him .
30 ‘ You have n't even met him yet and already you 've put him behind bars for life . ’
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