Example sentences of "not [adj] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Also , they will be easy to upgrade by fitting new chips as they become available , offering features not possible with analogue circuits .
2 Because MRI is particularly well developed to differentiate between lipid and water , with further development , it may be possible to simultaneously measure transit and absorption of different nutrients in the gut , an area of measurement at present not possible with existing methods .
3 The flexible winding of the organ allows the music to sing and breathe in a way that it is not possible with conventional bellows , and Schrader 's performances , like the instrument , are bold and bracing .
4 Formal paved areas in the garden provide a nice contrast to the freely curving growth of the plants but , however well laid the paving stones , tiles or bricks , sooner or later weeds sprout through the cracks , and it is either a case of weedkiller , not popular with organic gardeners , or constant weeding , which scrapes fingertips and breaks nails .
5 It is not easy with new clients to truly understand their culture and to find a range of people for a short list who would truly fit into that organisation .
6 Returning to education at any time is not easy with small children , little money and few available childcare facilities , but it can be done .
7 Not easy with limited ammo !
8 Plastic plants can be useful , as it is possible to have two or more identical specimens , which is not easy with living plants .
9 But he was not content with mere physical compliance .
10 But , in the most egregious error of judgement , the film , not content with human interest , ropes in aliens as well , arriving like a deus ex machina from the ocean bed , as though the characters were unable to face their darkest selves without prodding from a benign ET .
11 But , in the most egregious error of judgement , the film , not content with human interest , ropes in aliens as well , arriving like a deus ex machina from the ocean bed , as though the characters were unable to face their darkest selves without prodding from a benign ET .
12 The Tarawa Declaration , published at the conclusion of the Forum meeting , condemned drift-net fishing as ‘ indiscriminate , irresponsible and destructive ’ , and ‘ ‘ not consistent with international legal requirements in relation to rights and obligations of high seas fisheries conservation and management and environmental principles ’ .
13 This was not as easy as they hoped ; they knew that , however much it might disapprove of their activities , the English government certainly had no power to get its orders obeyed on the western side of the Atlantic , but their charter , which they hoped would make them independent of England , and on which they relied for the legal basis of their community , said — like all the other charters — that they must not pass laws that were not consistent with English laws .
14 When you ‘ look ’ with sound you may discern things not visible with light or electron beams ; it is even possible to look inside a piece of material , whether a living cell , a printed circuit or a block of metal .
15 The fact that the DME framework was not interoperable with other OSF founders ' Corba technologies has meant that some layers of DME have had to be re-designed and/or re-written using donated parts of Hewlett-Packard Co 's Distributed Object Management Facility and IBM 's System Object Model ( SOM ) .
16 The fact that the DME framework was not interoperable with other Software Foundation founders ' object broker technologies has meant that some layers of DME have had to be re-designed and/or re-written using donated parts of Hewlett-Packard 's Distributed Object Management Facility and IBM 's System Object Model .
17 So to that extent they certainly explore moral issues ; I think in a way that is not inconsistent with traditional Christian morality , but there is not attempt , I think , to thrust specific moral propositions erm , you know , down the throat of the reader erm in a way that more moralistic novels perhaps might do .
18 If Mains ' was not graven with deep frown-lines before that tour , those furrows must have been permanent afterwards .
19 This is not synonymous with foreign domination , for national firms in Brazil , Mexico and Argentina are also into the world steer .
20 Three of the principal shareholders were already producing films for release at the time of Dustin 's signing , and unfortunately proving that artistic liberty was not synonymous with artistic quality .
21 Similarly , because system boundaries are not synonymous with functional or organisational boundaries , difficulties can be encountered when defining the actors , owner(s) and customers of a Human Activity System .
22 Arterial pseudoaneurysms are not uncommon with acute or , more often , chronic pancreatitis especially when pseudocysts are present .
23 Religion is not equatable with particular religions : it transcends Hinduism , Christianity , Islam , and all other religions , yet it harmonizes them and gives them reality .
24 This is easier with plastic systems , but not feasible with cast iron
25 It did not matter two hoots to him that Blufton was not over-concerned with authentic period detail .
26 Love is patient and kind ; it is not jealous or conceited or proud ; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable ; love does not keep a record or wrongs ; love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth .
27 A number of sensitive species of marine fish are not happy with boisterous species and are better in an aquarium on their own or together with similar non-boisterous species .
28 It should be noted that this exercise was not concerned with cost-benefit analysis , as at this point no potential costs had been derived or considered .
29 In this example we are not concerned with uniform translation of the loop but with rotation .
30 The short answer to that proposition is that your Lordships are not concerned with remote or insubstantial risks or fanciful possibilities .
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