Example sentences of "not [adj] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 And in fact the coffee rooms not only were not profitable but I think at one time were even subsidized by the directors ' own pocket which just how balmy some people can be .
2 And I 'm not sorry that I did that because erm I would n't like I would n't have like to think that er anything I 'd done had escalated the situation you know .
3 Looking back on it now , I am not sorry that I went .
4 Unlike the Minister , I am not sorry that I was not on the Committee ; I am pleased that I missed it .
5 Peter 's commitment is certainly not total but I think his interest can be maintained if we do n't frighten him .
6 I , with a mother 's intuition , had suspected that ‘ things ’ were not right but I expected that it was one of those ‘ hiccups ’ … ) not so , I 'm afraid .
7 It 's not right and I have to lie for him !
8 Well that 's not right cos I 've got that 's wrong .
9 I considered that he was not coherent when I saw him and he was confused . ’
10 I mean it 's not sore when I 'm walking or anything Doctor
11 I 'm not afraid because I know where I 'm going when I die .
12 We did n't go to the funeral , but me cousin Dora who was Aunt Lucy 's daughter , she got there was er Walter , , Walter and Leonard were in a pram and me cousin Dora went down Lane and wh to the corner of Street and watched the funeral go past up to I 've got vague memories of that they 're not clear but I do know that he took us to watch me dad 's funeral past the corner of Street and I presume that now that it must have gone up Street up to Street street , cos he 's buried at Ryecroft .
13 large , not generous but I think good grief poor Christopher 's sitting there .
14 It 's not scientific but I felt like it .
15 That is not sensible and I seek to move the Community in the appropriate direction .
16 Colleagues , this is simply not acceptable and I call on Congress to support this resolution and instruct the E C to raise the matter in the proper government departments .
17 It is not wrong and I understand that next week we shall have the opportunity to debate the correctness of what I have said .
18 Holyfield , watching Ruddock gunned down live on the American HBO cable network at his training camp home in Houston where he is preparing for his November 13 defence against Bowe , said : ‘ Sure , Lewis looked good but I 'm not alarmed because I 'm a very cool person .
19 Most difficult of all , admits , is setting foreign language puzzles : ‘ I translated some puzzles into Russian once , which was not easy since I did not even know the Cyrillic alphabet ! ’
20 It was not easy but I think it is for the best , in the long run .
21 To conclude on such a vast subject as this is not easy but I would like to make the following points .
22 Well it 's nice to see you but I hate It 's not personal but I
23 It is not perfect but I have no time to edit it further .
24 I 'd woken up the next morning at Aisha 's place , not convinced that I was really in London : her flat was like any flat at home with the same smell , the same coloured ottomans and rugs , the same pictures on the walls , the brass tray in the middle of the room , and the loud shrieks and wails of her two children puncturing the air .
25 ‘ I am become an object of universal abhorrence , ’ he is reported to have said , and in a letter to his sister Emma ( Lady St.John ) he wrote ‘ I am not ill but I am not well and I feel the sort of depression which you have often felt … . ’
26 David and Geoffrey were perfectly welcome because they were English , but I was not welcome because I was American , so while they were staying on to see the May Day Parade , I was meant to leave and fly to Berlin where I would wait for David and Geoffrey who were going on by train through Poland .
27 The classes are not large and I find myself not too bad and rated as ‘ senior ’ by the Sadler 's Wells gods .
28 I 'm not comfortable but I suppose if I gave it a go I would get used to it .
29 not sure but I think one of the things is
30 I 'm not sure but I think it has .
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