Example sentences of "not [adj] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , although it is understandable that the external leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation may be excluded at the moment , it is not understandable that the Palestinian leaders in Jerusalem should be excluded from the process .
2 For all his enjoyment of the work and the companionship of his team the lad was not sorry when the ground covered , about half an acre , showed that it was time for his midday snack .
3 It is not accidental that the assertion of ‘ the rights of man ’ has been characteristic of revolutionary regimes which aspired to interfere with and overturn the systems of law and society of their neighbours ; and there could be no more striking evidence of the antagonism of Soviet Russia to Trotskyism than that ‘ human rights ’ have to be forced down its throat at Helsinki or Belgrade like spoonfuls of brimstone .
4 It was not accidental that the report of the committee later included the remark , ‘ It is difficult to see what private or public purpose is served by the exaction of untrue confessions , and it is a danger to be constantly guarded against . ’
5 It was perhaps not accidental that the deputy political manager for the Earl of Ilay , Lord Milton , was the Lord Justice Clerk , for between them the head of the Justiciary Court and the crown law officers controlled the criminal justice system .
6 It is probably not accidental that the most famous and widely discussed paranoiac of modern psychiatric literature , Schreber , had a father who seems to have approximated rather closely to the divine monarchs of earlier times and certainly practised a regime of child-rearing which was notable not only for its authoritarianism but also for its central concern for the welfare of the child , who was to be protected from harmful influences , bad habits and incorrect posture by rigidly enforced and total parental control , which even included applying iron and leather braces and restraints to the child 's body .
7 This compares the shape of the natural TL glow curve ( see fig. 7.10 ) with that induced by a laboratory dose : at low temperature the signal is not stable and the ratio of the TL signals varies , but at temperatures above about 300°C there should be a plateau .
8 A number of people had detected there was something amiss but these people — and I was one — believed that they erred by favouring not Labour but the Conservatives .
9 To get a rough idea of the half-life of the initiated complexes the heparin challenge was allowed to proceed for either 15 seconds or for 10 minutes before the addition of KMnO 4 ( simultaneous addition of KMnO 4 and heparin was not possible since the chemical reagent oxidizes the heparin ) .
10 On the demand side , consumer sovereignty is not possible since the consumers are not as well-informed about their conditions and treatments as the supplier .
11 In Hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 we read ‘ it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins ’ ( referring to the Old Testament sacrifices ) but in verse 12 we read ‘ But this man , after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever , sat down on the right hand of God . ’
12 It had just been decided that it was not possible that the coffin in a horizontal position could be manoeuvred around the many angles of doors and walls between there and the front door .
13 But all literary conventions have their origin in life ; is it not possible that the wild men were psychotics driven out of towns and settlements by a society unable to cope with them ?
14 The hope was that the assembly would come to be accepted by both religious groups ; unanimity was not possible but the objective was to achieve a fairly broad consensus .
15 Pomponius is quite clear that this amounts to a condition , and the consequence of that is that the legacy does not vest and transmission is not possible until the relevant age has been reached .
16 The Foreign Office officials knew that fundamentally improved terms were not possible because the other member countries could not concede a privileged position to one member only .
17 In some cases an exercise test performed by the hospital will provide additional information , but this is often not possible because the hospital 's exercise test is usually performed off their rate-slowing drug so that the coronary arteries can be more fully assessed .
18 If this is not possible because the drain is too long or the land falls the wrong way , the pipe used for the drain will have to be larger and laid with a gentler slope .
19 Izetbegovic stated that an ethnic division was not possible because the population was very mixed .
20 In practice this is often not possible because the full dataset is not archived or because the ‘ identification variables ’ are never included on the machine-readable version of the dataset .
21 Because modern emulsions are much finer grained than those produced 100 years ago , Rodinal now gives discerning photographers , both amateur and professional , printed results that were not possible when the developer was invented .
22 For this reason objective measurement is not possible and the exactitude of the natural sciences can not be duplicated .
23 If the underlying asset can not be sold short , or the arbitrageur does not hold stocks which can be sold , arbitrage for the case when the futures price is relatively low is not possible and the no-arbitrage condition becomes F
24 Below Tg , however , the viscosity has risen so far that rapid crystallization is not possible and the material remains in the disordered glassy state .
25 If this is not possible and the package has been submitted for approval , you should deny approval to the package using option 1.5.3 — Grant / Deny Approval To Package .
26 The basic principle of law is that assignment of a contract is not possible where the identity of the assignor is an important factor for the other party to the contract either as a reason for his entering into the contract in the first place , or because it is for some reason significant for the proper discharge of the contract .
27 However it was held that the benefit from the 1986 contract was not outstanding as the customer had chosen to place earlier contracts worth $75 million for non-patented display units despite being fully aware of the invention 's existence and capabilities .
28 But both defendants plead not guilty and the trial continues .
29 Alan McMullan ( Workington ) was suspended for four matches , and Graham King ( Hunslet ) for two , but Mike Fletcher ( Hull KR ) was ruled not guilty when the committee accepted his explanation that his alleged trip last weekend on the S Helens forward Paul Forber was accidental .
30 In the New York court system , a mugger is automatically declared not guilty if the defense can prove the victim has a history of making eye contact .
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