Example sentences of "not [pers pn] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet can not I have the patience to look upon your wickedness with such a …
2 Can not you pay a woman to come in ? ’
3 Do not you mean the lady Anne , little brother ? ’
4 Can not you have the same faith , Wilson ?
5 Why do not we set an example in Scotland , as we did for the poll tax ?
6 Can not we have a proper system of no-fault payments for medical injuries ?
7 Should not we support the negotiating process now under way through the Conference for a Democratic South Africa , and so secure the maintenance of international pressure for rapid progress towards a new , genuinely democratic constitutional order ?
8 Nathan blushed and stammered , returning his gaze to where she herself lay ; she was , he wanted to say , the loveliest thing he had ever seen , and could not they name the baby after her ?
9 Instead of the piecemeal approach , can not he offer a three-year rolling programme of force levels to assist chief constables to make more effective use of manpower in a bid to prevent and combat crime ?
10 Does not he have a powerful point when he says : ’ The new system is run by accountants who do n't have to sit across the table from the patient and say I can not treat you' ’ until the new financial year ?
11 As Leader of the House , does not he have a responsibility to the whole House ?
12 If the hon. Gentleman thinks that it is not , why does not he have the courage to stand up and say so ?
13 Does not he understand the impact that that will have on British Aerospace and Rolls-Royce ?
14 If not , why will not he accept the provisions of the social charter which would attack the problem of low pay ?
15 ‘ Since there is speculation and King Richard must surely be aware of it , why does not he let the princes be seen ? ’ she asked uneasily .
16 Before the Minister takes the mote out of Europe 's eye , should not he take the beam out of his own ?
17 Why does not he address the problem seriously and put real money into solving it — or will he continue to opt out and sell out , just as the Prime Minister did for the country in Maastricht yesterday ?
18 Does not it also prove , as my hon. Friend the Member for Davyhulme ( Mr. Churchill ) said , that the Conservative Government are spending more on the health service and does not it nail the falsehoods repeatedly advanced by the Opposition ?
19 If Labour wants economic regeneration and redevelopment , why can not it support the development corporations that already exist ?
20 ‘ Tom , dear , by the time I 've asked you to pass something , and you 've said what and where is it and did n't I mean the other one , I can get this oven done and the baby born I should think . ’
21 Did n't I mean the same , same sort of thing happened when Wentworth put on the twenty fifth of May , that a week before Sheila said er oh you 're not having this .
22 Damn , she thought , why did n't I choose a chair ?
23 I do n't I 've no idea if they 're adopted or not .
24 ‘ Why do n't I give the Russian collection to the Munich Museum of Fine Arts in Adolph 's memory ?
25 Well I 've made it not to if , if , if I , if I , if , if they 'd ordered , been ordered on my say so , I have made an autonomous decision , well you , there 's so many people in that place making autonomous bloody decisions , why should n't I do a few ?
26 Why do n't I do the first half and you have an early night , and I 'll wake you at two o'clock ? ’ , knowing full well how awful it is to be woken out of a deep sleep at 2am to start work .
27 If it 's all right for Ernest to change his religion to marry me , why should n't I do the same for him ? ’
28 Why could n't I do the DOPACS ?
29 ‘ Just because the children are easy to please , why should n't I make a bit of effort ?
30 I asked myself each time , Why ca n't I make the pot boil ?
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