Example sentences of "not [be] [v-ing] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But on the hill , crouched against a stone wall which may or may not be providing protection against wind-swept rain , such a dainty arrangement fast loses all its attraction .
2 We are not going to renegotiate with BSkyB and we will not be providing programming on a sales basis to them . ’
3 Gerry Burton 's announcement in April last year that he would not be seeking re-election as Kidson Impey 's national senior partner caused more than a few raised eyebrows .
4 On Dec. 5 Hachani announced that the FIS would not be organizing street demonstrations in the run-up to the elections , in order not to " draw the country into a spiral of confrontations , in which the only beneficiaries will be the enemies of the Islamic solution " .
5 Also remember that you will not be using dairy products next week , but you will be introducing foods that contain yeast and alcohol .
6 Make sure you complete your week-ending chart accurately , and remember : to record your weight loss for the week to record all details about any foods or drinks that may have caused symptoms or weight gain that you will not be drinking alcohol or eating foods that contain yeast next week — which is the final week of Stage II .
7 Or would that not be defying fate ? … the same fate that had reversed his own fortunes that very night ?
8 And now I have had a letter from Katie Mallett , saying she will not be entering no 3225 ‘ because I did n't see the TV exposé of Summerhill , and have n't got the faintest clue what it 's like ’ .
9 But after the initial choice , which is exceptional in treating awareness itself as an end to which hardship is the means , he will not be taking suffering as an end ; to force himself to accept it passively would insensitize and brutalize him instead of enhancing awareness .
10 On Feb. 13 Gregorio Rosal of the rebel communist New People 's Army ( NPA ) announced that the NPA did not have a candidate to support in the elections and that its members would not be taking part .
11 SEVE Ballesteros may not be taking part in golf 's World Cup in Madrid this week , but there is a player who bears an amazing resemblance to him .
12 But perhaps those who most objected to Hitlers painting being put on sale can take some consolation from the fact that it will not be taking pride of place in Mr Sullivans living room :
13 These are the East European blessings of Mr Gorbachev 's liberalisation : the changes would surely not be taking place if Brezhnev or Chernenko still ruled the Kremlin .
14 I shall play no further part in this debate which should not be taking place .
15 If the proposals for electoral reform across the European union had occurred , this debate would not be taking place , boundaries would not be the relevant issue and a common electoral system would mean that the citizens of the European community could be properly represented as a whole .
16 Last night , the Ministry of Defence said they would not be taking action against the ‘ snooper ’ trooper — unless the information he divulged breached national security .
17 We would not be taking time off work , making all kinds of out-of-the-usual arrangements , unless we thought it was important to go to the funeral as a mark of how we feel about the person who had died , and wanted to ‘ pay our respects ’ .
18 Dr Davey , a senior lecturer in clinical pharmacology at Dundee University , stressed the centre would not be promoting health service cutbacks .
19 Or indeed , if the consequences of that particular policy decision is such that the erm , the revenue considerations were serious and improvable and in which case , you would not be deriving value for money , and I most certainly would have a comment to make .
20 Olympic Computers is offering support at preferential prices to the 18,000 Olympic Technology customers , but it will not be honouring service warranties made by the old company .
21 Even Graham , one of the few members who had left home and lived in a flat , would be helping in the campaign , although he would not be voting Conservative , so much did he dislike the personality and politics of the local MP .
22 then certainly children should not be receiving communion .
23 Like this resolution I would urge all of you when you go back to your congregation those ministers who are following the moderator 's request , those ministers from the South who will not be conducting morning worship tomorrow because of the long journey request whoever is conducting worship to use this in the service in the prayers !
24 Intel Corp announced yesterday that it has begun shipping production versions of the Pentium microprocessor , but as the company already indicated , it will not be talking price until May , when it frees its customers to start announcing machines .
25 Intel Corp says it has begun shipping production versions of the Pentium microprocessor , but as the company already indicated , it will not be talking price until May , when it frees its customers to start announcing machines .
26 I would not be giving evidence of bad faith by looking for an opt-out clause — and the reason is that , unlike the Prime Minister , I do not have to try to patch my party together .
27 We are very concerned that in in making provision for housing through to the year two thousand and six , we should not be making provision for that level of vacancy rate , which seems to us to be artificially high when compared with the the national figures .
28 If Wilko was willing to try something else in order to get a result then the same criticisms would not be appearing week in week out .
29 It was , of course , the purchasers business to employ a surveyor , whether a house or a boat was in question , and Pinkie would not be offering Dreadnought with any kind of guarantee as to soundness , only , after all , as to quaintness .
30 Counting pensioners and children , 14m savers should not be paying tax , but have to under current legislation .
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