Example sentences of "he [vb -s] to it " in BNC.

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1 Scotland as a nation will determine its own sovereignty whether he agrees to it or not and he should be talking to the Scottish Constitutional Convention about the matter .
2 He holds to it in a most unsceptical way — that is , with a fair degree of dogmatism .
3 Cos you 've got to and he ca n't use his fingers and if he has to it right ?
4 Do him justice , he looks after his own , or at least he sees to it no one but himself shall flay them or hang them .
5 He takes to it as a duck takes to water .
6 There is no gaiety in Peter , she thought , bending her face to the wafer , no real pleasure in living , just an anxious shrinking from everything except duty ; obligation has become his Rule , he clings to it , it stops him drowning .
7 He listens , he listens to it afterwards and he goes no I ca n't understand , well now I can , now I can understand why they take the piss out of me for my voice .
8 He 's far from the best rider around but he sticks to it , or to the horse which is more important I suppose !
9 In The Hidden Files , his fascinating contemplation of his life and his work , he confesses that writing Suarez almost cost him his sanity , and in trying to analyse what the black novel means to him he returns to it again and again , like a child rubbing a particularly vicious boil .
10 The closest he comes to it is , I think , in the passage quoted earlier in which he says that ‘ though when I say Gold is a metal , I say by implication that if there be any other metals it must resemble them , yet if there were no other metals I might still assert the proposition with the same meaning as at present , namely that gold has the various properties implied in the word metal ’ .
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