Example sentences of "he [was/were] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 The twitch broadened fractionally into what might have been a smile on anyone else but on him was just a rearrangement of composed features .
2 He were always a bit of a tyrant .
3 In every aspect of his work Caro is brazenly derivative , depending for effect on the assertiveness of scale , and is , in essence , trivial ; but , translated from the Tate Gallery to the Roman Forum ( see The Art Newspaper No. 18 , May 1992 , p. 5 ) , he is this year the beam in the public 's eye ( would that he were only a mote ) , and thus inevitably the choice of Heaths and Fanfanis .
4 And er the chap that tended her was er a locum , he were only a young chap , and er he says , Oh oh I 'm sorry , he says , I 'd better get me old man to come , he said I do n't suppose I 'll ever see another of these in my career .
5 We were n't allowed to have a we were n't allowed to have a cup of tea in break time no but er we were all on edge you know for fear , if he kicked it it would have scalded his foot and he were , he were only a few inches away from it , and of course he went now what we used to say now nosing around and we should n't have done he had a job to get round because he was
6 He were only a young boy , seventeen year old .
7 ‘ Hullo , ’ said Lili as though he were only an acquaintance .
8 She asked him if he were still a virgin .
9 Which is why Caroline likes nursing him as if he were still a lost child .
10 His reason is that he can not be sure of what code of manners were followed there and if they were not the same as his it would seem as if he were almost a bully in chasing down someone below his class .
11 He was firing deliberately a bit wide , I thought , to scare rather than to hit me , for at that sort of range anyone with a rifle — unless he were truly an appalling shot — could scarcely miss .
12 The secular cleric had the further advantage from the king 's standpoint that he was strictly a life-tenant , unable to transmit his abbacy to a legitimate heir .
13 He was both a stand-in skipper and an emergency defender during Liverpool 's successful European trip to Cyprus this week .
14 Like his predecessors , he was both a barbarian warlord and ( as Eddius admitted ) ‘ a most Christian king ’ .
15 Sheepshanks , a leading figure in the Royal Astronomical Society , himself fitted into all three of his categories : he was both a lawyer and a clergyman , and did not practise either profession because he had inherited wealth from his cloth-manufacturing father .
16 He was both a symptom of , and a resource for , the revival of Classical Art in the 18th century .
17 If Shakespeare showed little inclination to control the condition of his plays ' textual printing , he was both a part owner of the company which produced them and was himself a director of that company .
18 Indeed , he was both an amateur painter and a musician in a rock band that met at weekends .
19 He was unexpectedly a man of great gaiety and to see him at a dance was an absolute delight .
20 Mind , he was rather a wild card was Granda , rather too fond of strong drink .
21 Horses were his speciality , and although he was rather a stout and shortish man-he sported a moustache - he was quite strong .
22 I thought he was rather a funny man and he thought I was rather a funny girl .
23 By 1966 when Reagan ran for the governorship of California , he was not simply a novice with little to offer except an agreeable manner and celebrity status ; he was rather a widely experienced and articulate political animal with many of the attributes necessary for success in American politics in the late twentieth century .
24 Apart from that he was rather a handsome man , she thought , if you happened to like that type of thing .
25 He was rather a curious-looking Repo Man .
26 He was rather an unambitious man as regards fame and position , being content to remain with the firm of Boulton & Watt until his death .
27 He was rather an untidy man really .
28 But he was away a lot , and then it would be up to Janice .
29 So he was either a man of great courage , or a great masochist .
30 Mungo sensed that he was either a complete phoney or a principal player in the village drama .
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