Example sentences of "he [is] something of " in BNC.

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1 He is something of a monetarist and , as such , the devaluation of wages , not to mention the debasement of people , does n't seem to worry him .
2 He is likely to knock you off your feet just being led across the yard if he can find anything to spook at , and when it comes to removing rugs he is something of a Houdini .
3 As he is something of a carpenter ( he built his own sail boat for use on the Chesapeake ) , he found it simple enough to take off the right-angled corners and substitute curves .
4 In his own way he is something of an expert on the private lives of actresses .
5 After the Malvinas war he is something of a hero .
6 In short he 's something of a crossover artist ; he clearly feels as comfortable borrowing from the past as he does with a more modern approach .
7 And yet , the history of the Lemonheads — in which , five albums down the line , he 's the only constant — suggests he 's something of a control freak , far more fastidious than he seems .
8 He 's something of a hermit by nature and imagined he could cope with it all by himself , apart from getting in labour when necessary . ’
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