Example sentences of "he [is] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is ordered that in the interim and an injunction is hereby granted ordering that in the events ( i ) that the medical condition of [ J. ] changes in such a way that his life is threatened but is capable of being prolonged by the application to him of intensive therapeutic measures including artificial ventilation , and ( ii ) that he is at that time in the care of the …
2 The extent to which this is an objection to Locke 's actual views will depend , as in the case of the brave officer , on whether they concern what makes a person at one time the same as he is at another , or concern moral matters of praise and blame .
3 I appeal to the Minister : the man should not be allowed to return to his unit ; he should remain where he is at this moment .
4 Oh I do n't think he is at this rate na , Jonathan !
5 but he , he 's at that age now where I could have another kid and look after it quite easily if I had one , but I do n't wan na go through , not the pregnancy , but I do n't want to go through all the babies and getting up in the night and , one that 'll come out six months old
6 You know he , and he 's at that point now
7 ‘ Or more likely he 's at some hotel , waiting to search our luggage before we can proceed . ’
8 Well , he 's at some de there 's some firms do or something on apparently
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