Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 The community he has created is self-destructing .
2 ‘ What he has said is so stupid .
3 In this case , the Secretary of State has today issued a public statement disputing various parts of the report in The Independent and he has sought to quote from other aspects of the internal review which he has said is so far confidential .
4 I assure the right hon. Gentleman that what he has said is not correct .
5 If he had , he would know that what he has said is not right .
6 I think that both governments are aware of the proposals that emerged from th my dialogue with Mr Addams , and the process that has emerged , that I have said , and he has said is substantial progress towards lasting peace .
7 what he has said is that he , it 's a matter for myself to talk to whoever I wish , and that he respects my judgement in these matters , er according to the joint statement issued Mr Reynolds briefed him on his discussions with me on that on that
8 — the most interesting thing he has to say is that sadism and masochism are always present in the same person : a masochist is a frustrated sadist , and a sadist is a frustrated masochist . ’
9 If what he has to say is worth hearing , why is n't the interviewer recording what he says ?
10 As for reporting to Daddy , you go right ahead , though you might find that what he has to say is n't much to your liking . ’
11 Although one may not agree with it , what he has to say is always considered and well argued .
12 What he has to justify is not the threat , but the demand of money .
13 A casual worker who , without good reason , fails to turn up for an assignment which he has accepted is unlikely to be offered assignments in the future .
14 Perhaps he has just waited to see what was emerging and then stepped in quickly to take the initiative and carry forward the proposal which he has sensed is about to emerge .
15 ‘ When the blind beetle crawls over the surface of a globe , he does n't notice that the track he has covered is curved .
16 Does he accept that what he has announced is not sufficient to deal with the applications from asylum seekers , let alone with other immigration applications which are bottling up Lunar house ?
17 Easily the largest component of the landfills he has examined is paper and board .
18 All he has to do is fill in the person 's name .
19 Then all he has to do is to press one digit , and the number is automatically dialled for him .
20 All he has to do is to tell one person and then everyone in the Castle will know , from the Chief Secretary down .
21 When a retailer sets up a new business , one of the first things he has to do is draw up a plan of the shop floor .
22 According to the apprentice chef , the Royal Oak is a good place to learn one 's trade — ‘ Chef knows what he 's doing and is prepared to help you , but he does n't push you too hard ’ — though the commis chef criticizes Tom for not being adventurous enough — ‘ He reckons all he has to do is to keep on producing good plain food and the customers 'll keep coming , but the fact is that it 's dull . ’
23 All he has to do is show he 's over a certain age can prove who he is , you can buy a gun .
24 ‘ I told him the first thing he has to do is establish who she is and where she comes from . ’
25 All he has to do is talk to the Whips , and we will have a debate on sport any time he likes .
26 If the Minister does not consider it worth while , all he has to do is call it in and either have a public inquiry or decide for himself whether it is a good scheme .
27 All he has to do is drink a bottle a day , and he can skip lunch , keep late hours , loll around in his soft leather chair .
28 the reason I propose giving he has to do is come
29 Er , I think Prince who , perhaps dealt with domestic politics , but one thing he has exposed is the green cause which I 'm very pleased about because I do n't think that the politicians in this country take these issues seriously enough !
30 Wilfred Owen has written many different types of poems and the only other well-known sonet that he has written is ‘ Anthem for Doomed Youth ’ .
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