Example sentences of "he [is] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Chopper looks more like 'e 's on the run from Dartmoor than a bloody Salvation Army bloke . ’
2 'E collapsed as 'e come out the Kings Arms an' they rushed 'im away ter the 'ospital. 'E 's in a bad way so Maisie Dingle told me .
3 He is still referred to as Thatcherite but as that term begins to lose its currency my own view of him is of a free marketeer with a strong sense of economic realism .
4 Perhaps the best way to describe him is as a typical West Indian batsman , fundamentally very reliable and dependable yet always looking to attack if possible , always full of attractive stroke-play .
5 Doubtless most industrialists in the UK would concur , but where they might fall out with him is on the definition of ‘ robot ’ ( See Box below ) .
6 Where I differ from him is on the nature of the collection as a whole , which to me seems a collection of poems differing in method and indeed quality , written over a period of years , and having two distinct sequences , to the Friend and to the ‘ Dark Lady ’ .
7 Wait — an even more cherished memory of him is on the set at Wembley Studios after a particularly gruelling day shooting the ‘ Call to Confirm ’ commercial .
8 Another monument to him is in the main square of the city of Cebu in the central Philippines , a canopy with the kind of gaudy murals one expects in this flamboyant tropic city .
9 Sure , he is told , steady travel can make a person feel like that for an instant ; yet it is obvious that short-term memory for him is like a labyrinth .
10 Everyone around him is like a member of the family .
11 Nothing at all about Rocky … except he s in the 17 man squad ( which we already knew ) .
12 He is worth a hundred workaday mortals .
13 Swindon say as a player he is worth a million pounds , and they should be compensated accordingly .
14 Jon Gittens was the main victim of Rosenthal 's latest attempt to convince Souness he is worth a place in Liverpool 's starting line-up .
15 George , who was eight years old when Coleridge was born , became almost a second father to him in the difficult years ahead , and was , Coleridge wrote , ‘ every way nearer to Perfection than any man I ever yet knew — indeed , he is worth the whole family in a Lump . ’
16 Make no mistake , Wright 's short fuse is a serious business and if Graham is to lose a top player through suspension , on top of all the headlines on his ill-discipline , the Arsenal manager may soon wonder if he is worth the trouble .
17 At 43 , he is worth an estimated £110 million .
18 He is of a much better class than myself .
19 His Mother tells me that he is of a mechanical turn , and I know that he has made some progress in mathematics .
20 If he is of a poetic turn of mind , will he even see a kind of justice in the eventual return to silicon-based life , with DNA no more than an interlude , albeit one that lasted longer than three aeons ?
21 In July 1842 , the master noted that James Paine , an able-bodied man , ‘ objects and refuses to attend divine worship on the grounds that he is of no persuasion , and that he will not attend in a place like this , where they act contrary to scripture in parting man and wife ’ .
22 He is of the opinion that Mr Prescott has probably given wide broadcast of these questions . ’
23 Entre la vie et la mort ( 1968 ) depicts the drama of a writer 's struggle with language and the processes of creation , aware as he is of the potentially enslaving power of words .
24 Indeed , he is of the opinion that entertaining people with his ‘ music ’ is even more satisfying than experiencing carnal relations .
25 For him it meant a brief wait until he was of the appropriate age of 21 , in December 1807 ; barely a month later he was off to Doctors ' Commons in St Paul 's Churchyard to sign an allegation ‘ … that he is of the Parish of All Hallows , Barking , London , a bachelor … ’ and ‘ … that there is no lawful impediment … ’ before being issued with a licence by the Archbishop of Canterbury 's Faculty Office .
26 Do you mean he represents a Lebanese faction like Islamic Jihad or that he is of the Hezbollah , the Party of God ? ’
27 Do n't be put off by old ‘ Crazy Horse ’ Emlyn — he is of the high-pitched voice and cheesy grin .
28 Because he is of the establishment — yet , like Greene , he operates on the margins ; because he is outwardly well presented and benign yet at the same time frequently boiling with rage ; because he writes a crystalline yet subtly dandified prose which does n't give up secrets easily .
29 ‘ There is a sick Jewish problem of voting for a black man no matter how unfit he is for the job , ’ he said .
30 Although on-trial Norwegian striker Tore Andre Dahlum plays for the reserves on Wednesday , Ferguson admits he is for the future , and he must plunge now .
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