Example sentences of "he [vb infin] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is an important area in which you can help him a great deal if you can make him feel that with you open grieving is permissible .
2 Does he recollect that during the talks last summer that he strove so hard to make successful the IRA , at least for a time , was marginalised ?
3 How would he explain that to the police , if after Sir Henry 's death he then inherited the Baskerville lands and fortune ? ’
4 In the light of the Minister 's reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Wakefield ( Mr. Hinchliffe ) , will he guarantee that at European level he will press for a system of mandatory labelling so that eggs are labelled ’ battery ’ , ’ barn eggs ’ , ’ free range ’ or whatever ?
5 Will he confirm that during its lifetime in service Trident will take about 3 per cent .
6 Before the right hon. Gentleman issues a denial , will he confirm that before the previous election the Tories said that they would continue to pay child benefit as before — only to freeze it immediately for three years when they took office ?
7 Will he confirm that in every year and for every authority recently in Greater Manchester , the amount of money that the Government have allowed them to spend on capital projects has been way behind what they have needed , with the result that there is now a backlog of repairs and maintenance ?
8 Also will he confirm that in August 1991 he said : ’ I think the people trust me .
9 Will he confirm that in the north-west region the latest figures show a fall of 26 per cent .
10 Will he ensure that at that poverty level , those additional 400,000 pensioners are informed of their rights to claim income support so that they can at the very least receive what little is due to them under this Government ?
11 Will he ensure that in the review by Sir Bernard Tomlinson , the key point about London — its specialist abilities serving constituencies such as mine in Northampton — remains a focal point ?
12 Does n't he remember that at the General Election the tabloids and so-called quality newspapers slaughtered Labour leader Neil Kinnock who did not have an affair with an actress or take freebie holidays ?
13 Is he referring to the deportations , or does he mean that by making life so miserable in the refugee camps people will leave voluntarily ?
14 Why does not he admit that since last year 's Budget more than 500,000 people have been added to the dole queue ?
15 But does not he realise that throughout Scotland he and his cronies are seen as a ’ wee parcel of rogues in a nation who were bought and sold for English gold ’ ?
16 Does he realise that throughout the country in the election people who care about the Post Office and Post Office services will vote Labour as the only way to preserve a good postal service ?
17 Does he recall that in that 12 months the British economy has contracted by 2.5 per cent .
18 Does he recall that before 1979 the Tories said that they would maintain the value of the retirement pension in line with rising living standards — a pledge which was promptly broken when they took office ?
19 Will he re-emphasise that at the end of the day the document is all about contracting out to produce as good a service at less cost or a better service at the same price ?
20 Will he accept that in a democracy , when people say no , they mean no ?
21 Will he accept that in the United States of America , the land of free enterprise , it was concluded that voluntary arrangements would never sufficiently overcome discrimination against employment and will he respond positively to the view of the employers forum on disability and the law society as well as three hundred and eleven honourable members of this house who have signed E D M number two that the time has now come for legislation to ban discrimination against in er disabled people in respect of employment in this country .
22 However , does he agree that as part of the process of reform , those who have a conscientious objection to working on Sunday should be given the statutory right not to do so ?
23 Does he agree that in this very uncertain world , if such a reduction were to take place , it would seriously jeopardise this country 's ability to defend itself ?
24 Does he agree that in choosing the alternative route the Secretary of State for Transport was second guessing and ignoring the possibility that an environmental assessment would conclude that the general route that he has selected was as inappropriate as the one from which the hon. Gentleman thinks his constituents would suffer ?
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