Example sentences of "he [vb mod] say to " in BNC.

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1 His father then asked William what he should say to his school-fellows , to which the boy replied , ‘ Tell them to prepare to meet their God ; and tell them I said so ’ ’
2 He wondered if there was anything he should say to them , if there was anything they could possibly understand .
3 You ask a man who has a bit more experience and plenty of common sense ad he 'll say to you , ‘ Get the lad in , bring him home to his parents and the father will give him a clip round the ear . ’
4 My husband always gets amazed at that , if we 're outside he 'll say to people ask , do you know if she likes her job and they , he 's amazed Ken that can
5 But he 'll say to me
6 He says ba he says I did n't say it , says I did n't say the word and then he sa he calls my niece he 'll say to her , he she 's getting boobs now like , she 's twelve , and he goes
7 Now Gordon , will listen to this tape now tomorrow right and he 'll say to me
8 and he 'll say to me it 's
9 cos it 'll , it 'll come out , he 'll say to me Sunday when were at home
10 In highlighted pen that you know so when he goes out with someone in ninete , in two thousand he 'll say to someone the last time I went out with someone was in nineteen ninety three .
11 He might say to the doctor , ‘ I do not wish to live as a helpless paralytic .
12 Or what he might say to her …
13 He , he might say to me you ca n't use .
14 And all he could say to them was !
15 He 'd say to you ‘ Move ’ .
16 They threw him out of college because of cocaine , and he was damn lucky that they did n't call the police , but all he 'd say to me was to stay cool !
17 Simon worked late at his office then went on to places meeting people whom he ought to know , next morning he 'd say to her , You were awfully late last night where have you been ?
18 Granted , he 'd say to himself , I 've never been in a situation where an abortion has been necessary .
19 He 'd tell him , he 'd get his orders from the office , cos the Deputy Harbourmaster he would go down all the sound he sound in river and see what wanted taken out , then he 'd say to my father I 'll dredge at so and so belo below docksill and docksill what they used to do they used to , my father what he 'd do he 'd put stakes on the mud , a short stake and a long stake on account of the tide and he 'd , he 'd make an imaginary on that stake , then he 'd go ashore at Wolverston , phone up what have you got on your docksill , the fella might say it 's ten feet , well he 'd say right we 'll make that twenty feet , so that 's er , that 's what he used to work on to dredge the river .
20 There might be a yachtsman come along and he 'd want a mooring , so he 'd say to my father , can you fix us up yes , get an old bit of chain and put round , put some wooden wed wedges in tighten 'em up , up , that 's his , that 's his mooring , he 'd take it somewhere in the river , have it dumped , put a buoy on it , that was , that 's like his anchor .
21 Well that 's what he 'd say to me , why did n't find out first ?
22 ‘ I will never , never abandon these bright hopes , ’ he used to say to me with shining eyes .
23 Check first and trust afterwards , he used to say to her .
24 No he used to , I know who , Dawn , he used to take me sometimes and a couple of times he took me up to the and he used to say to me and what would you take for starters so I always said well I always like erm prawn cocktail
25 ‘ You know how it is , ’ he would say to their hosts , on the pretext of apologising for arriving late , ‘ She could n't find a thing to wear .
26 ‘ This school 's a dirty place , ’ he would say to no-one in particular .
27 In fact , during my first days under Mr Farraday , I was once or twice quite astounded by some of the things he would say to me .
28 ‘ Basically , ’ he would say to the camera , his gestures as urgent and incisive as those of any other citizen laying down the law on television , basically I 'm a very passionate man .
29 ‘ I can do it , ’ he would say to Edouard .
30 ‘ I am that monstrous sinner , ’ he would say to them , ‘ the doctor that smokes .
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