Example sentences of "he [vb past] give it " in BNC.

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1 He had given her the capital for the first one on their twentieth wedding anniversary , when he had already bought a Georgian pendant that he dearly wished her to have , but before he chanced giving it to her he had asked her what she would like , and she told him .
2 He 'd applied to join the police in his final year at university ; it had been an unfashionable thing to do but he 'd given it a lot of careful thought .
3 ‘ You might cook him a wonderful pie and then you 'd find he 'd given it to a drunken beggar , and no matter how kind you thought him after a while you 'd want to kill him .
4 He knew exactly where he wished to slot his explosive , and how long a fuse he needed to give it .
5 But he knew they 're bred for working and when he retired he decided to give it a go .
6 He had given it up for his very inferior car when he started courting Big Brenda out of the Biology lab — Biological Brenda , as Preston called her , who gave them lessons on sex , and no doubt Sam as well .
7 Of his conscious will he had given it nothing , except a single ruler where there had been two .
8 But he had given it all up and returned to the business world as a marketing executive .
9 He replied that he had given it verbally to a police sergeant , but that he must have forgotten about it .
10 Then , the moment he had given it up , the old Hunt returned .
11 He had given it to his youngest daughter , Margaret , when she trained as a nurse at Benedict 's just after the last World War .
12 Once she had tried to describe these feelings to Brian , but , while he had been prepared to admit that her mother was virtually certifiable , he had given it as his opinion that her father had been a remarkable man and a fine artist and richly entitled to his eccentricities : indeed , it had been incumbent on him , Brian had implied , to flout the conventions .
13 His anger was real but so continuously felt that once he had given it adequate ( in his own mind ) expression , it ceased to modify his actions .
14 When he opened it moths flew out and he had to give it a good clean to get rid of the cobwebs and years of dust that had settled inside .
15 So he could n't keep it going any longer and he had to give it up , so he 's on the dole again .
16 he said give it away .
17 Must remember that phrase : he could see it had struck and it struck him too : he paused to give it the silent applause of a mute punctuation .
18 Nicholson could not now appear in the film because he was too old for the original role which had been designated for him , and anyway he wanted to give it his fullest attention as director .
19 He wanted to give it a space-age look so , apparently , he went to one of the companies here which specialises in metal research for NASA . ’
20 You could n't get fatter than he was in gold , and he wanted to give it all away to the revolution ; he was Malatesta 's friend , and Malatesta parted him from his money , sweet and easy does it -all they got for their pains was years of exile and prison , and a few dead policemen . ’
21 So a lawyer came , and of course I had my own office , confidential stuff , so he wanted to give it to me .
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