Example sentences of "he [vb past] be right " in BNC.

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1 That 's what Reg had told his mother , God rest her soul , and he 'd been right .
2 He 'd been right when he told Alison that he was n't overlooked , because he could only see a narrow slice of his lounge from here ; but when he got down on his hands and knees and peered through the wrought ironwork the angle improved and he could see almost half of the room .
3 But he 'd been right , had n't he ?
4 But he still thought it was crazy , and he 'd been right .
5 As she climbed out of bed and opened the curtain Fran had no idea which it was , but he 'd been right .
6 He 'd been right when he 'd said she was shrewish , though she 'd never suffered from the malady before .
7 ‘ He was a harmless sort of youth really , just trying to do what he thought was right .
8 ‘ Go on then , ’ he would say , coaxingly , and off Jasper would go in the direction he knew was right .
9 And he had been right .
10 The speech sent shock waves through the medical profession , but the Prince had hit a nerve and , for all the criticism that was heaped on his head in the aftermath , the letters from the public told him he had been right .
11 The relative lack of resonance of the boycott can only have indicated to Hitler that he had been right to keep a fairly low public profile on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ .
12 I thought he had been right , and that what happened to me on that oily beach was all I was fit for .
13 He had been right in his snap judgment — indeed an intelligent , educated individual .
14 Twenty years later Craig was still convinced that he had been right .
15 But he had been right .
16 He had hit Milward pretty hard , thought Henry , but he had been right to do so .
17 And , of course , he had been right .
18 He had been right , I thought ; in spite of what the girls and Mrs McDougall had told me , the whole idea of a ‘ mystery ’ was , in this place , wrong and irritating .
19 He had simply been angry and believed that it meant he had been right all the time and that his sister really was in Hepzibah 's Power .
20 The shadows had lengthened , he thought , so that probably he had been right and it was towards evening .
21 When the Robemaker spoke again in his soft hissing voice , he knew he had been right .
22 But when she looked back at him he saw the hatred in her eyes and knew he had been right .
23 When it was our turn I found he had been right about the word antiquarian giving the immigration officers something to think about .
24 His hands swept down and began to remove their clothes , first his own and then hers , and he had been right , his fingers did fumble a little , but she did n't mind that .
25 As soon as he saw Pickerage he knew he had been right : here was a boy who had often gone for interviews in the headmaster 's study .
26 Outside in the street , where she could raise her voice again , she almost shouted at him , telling him he was to stop behaving as if he had been right and she wrong — as if he believed she now shared his views and endorsed his ridiculous maunderings .
27 He had been right when he 'd said there was no future — because the past would always exist .
28 He said he had been right to prevent the earlier attempt to censure Mr Gilbert .
29 He had been right .
30 And they then say well right , cos every time an accountant does your books at the front of your , the actual like er the booklet what you get on your accounts it says at the front something like these accounts have erm have been audited but only erm we have taken the word of Mr that what he said is right .
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