Example sentences of "he [vb past] [be] when " in BNC.

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1 As she listened to Amsterdam she became more sure by the minute that Timothy was n't quite the same as he 'd been when he had left the house that morning .
2 Sometimes he was angry as he 'd been when they had fought .
3 Later , Lucien realised just how fortunate he 'd been when Mandru 's agent had made a bid for him at Por Tanssie .
4 The significant features of Arazi 's victory over Supermec and River Majesty were that the knee operation carried out last November appeared to have no effects and , this time , the colt was not racing on medication , as he had been when winning the Breeders ' Cup Juvenile .
5 Every word of it had been a lie and to this truth Trent remained as totally committed now , close to his own death , as he had been when plotting the downfall of the groups he had penetrated .
6 She remembered how different , how happy he had been when he returned after midnight .
7 The Navaho Jospehites were all young , as young as he had been when he joined the Sons and painted his face to strike a blow at the heart of the white man 's world .
8 Was he even now locked up in some prison cell to become once again the unkempt figure he had been when she first set eyes on him ?
9 Sherek recalled how nervous and agitated he seemed at the first reading with the actors — just as he had been when he had first shown the play to Sherek .
10 At least , he had been when she married him .
11 Riding , she had noticed how straight he held himself in the saddle , how unruffled he had been when leading his horse across a fast-flowing stream , how easily he brought his mount to jump a wall ; as though he were part of the animal he rode .
12 Her mind slid over this problem and rejected it , her thoughts returning to memories of Johnny as he had been when he had attempted to make love to her on the previous night .
13 By getting out of the bargain books field now , he believed he might well be ‘ ahead of the game ’ , just as he had been when he set up the company .
14 How unsettled and agitated he had been when they last had visited the Springall house .
15 She took the memory of it upstairs to bed with her , but all the time that she wrote she could see him sitting there as he had been when he had first lit the lamp , his face full of an old pain .
16 He might just be one jump ahead of her as he had been when he stole her car space .
17 He was still as magnificent-looking as he had been when she was a child .
18 He was as perfect to her now as he had been when she had seen him as a child .
19 He seemed to hang suspended above the worshippers , his two tiny arms held out in front of him , and he was as still and quiet and calm as he had been when sitting at the Wilsons ' table or resting , alone , at the back of Class 1 .
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