Example sentences of "he [coord] [pers pn] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Once the Juvenile Employment Bureau had registered and placed the adolescent , the ‘ helper ’ resumed responsibility by attempting to keep ‘ in effective touch ’ with either him or her and with the home .
2 Only your detective , perhaps , will need to be seen in somewhat greater depth , since your readers have got to sympathise with him or her and to do that they probably need more than just one point of contact .
3 Relatives , of course , do not always agree with the individual about what is best for him or her and they may not agree with professionals trying to help the person either .
4 First , the Freedom of Information Acts give an individual a right to information possessed by the government about him or her and the government may have to justify non-disclosure in court .
5 The judge has a discretion to exercise in determining whether-to make such an order , taking account of whether the defendant chose to contest a strong case against him or her and if the defendant must have known the real truth of the matter .
6 It is no earthly use appointing a particular officer if the childen do not know how to complain to him or her and can not do so .
7 ‘ It is perfectly common in ordinary speech to refer to the child in utero as he , she , him or her and I do not feel driven by the use of such ordinary parlance in this section ( of the act ) to the view which Lord Prosser accepted , that parliament envisaged a person sustaining injuries meaning a person enjoying legal personality . ’
8 Its tension caught the reader , there was an emotion in it , shared between him and them and it turned all his attention away from himself on to the subject matter he was speaking .
9 ‘ The letters say ‘ you should have sold him , him and him and bought him , him and him ’ .
10 Him and him and do you remember that ?
11 split up with him and I and then you 're telling me to get back
12 ‘ I should like to huff and to puff and to blow his house down and take Maggie away from him and she and me and Francie could go back to Ireland and live quietly together and play music and have a little step dancing from time to time . ’
13 But he may not have been released from the Tower until 1217 , when his remaining bonds were returned to him and he and the rest of the Jews of Norwich were given letters of royal protection .
14 And he goes well James came and said , he goes ah so Jimmy found him and he and James goes ooh no Alistair found me .
15 As with the action sample those carers who continued to express a clear preference for home care talked in terms of it being no bother to continue caring , or even if it was ‘ a bother ’ , home was the best place for the dementia sufferer , and he or she and the carer were ‘ coping ’ .
16 Remember the format controls he will normally start off , sell first routine , then he or she will have er say , right at the very end , say why he say why he or she and that 's the format I want to follow .
17 When er the sales exec for marketing goes round doing the contract bits and pieces er they he or she and the surgery the doctors ' senior partners or all the doctors will agree on the number of booklets we 're going to print .
18 How happy they had been together , he and she and the little lad in the drowsy heat of the meadows .
19 When they were reunited , he and she and the baby , he would cherish her as never before .
20 Syl was more of my mother 's generation than my own but it had never occurred to me before that he and she and Lili must all have been young at the same time .
21 Every night both he and he and others packed into the tigh dubh , huddled around peat fires , supping the broth and listening to the wind skirting the stone walls and bellowing down stone wells .
22 I felt sorry fer 'er Ernie. 'E come 'ome that night wiv a few drinks inside 'im an' 'im an' Maudie got at it .
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