Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 D'yer know that Billy o' mine do n't take a blind bit o' notice when Daniel talks to 'im , but 'e soon listens ter me .
2 " Aye , 'e just did n't like t'look of them cobbles .
3 'E just stood there , all miserable , drinking tap water from a plastic cup .
4 'E just stood there , all miserable , drinking tap water from a plastic cup .
5 'E usually goes out an' gets a daily paper about this time , ’ Mrs Beavis informed Dolly , ‘ and an evening paper later .
6 Did n't 'e ever find out ? ’ the carman asked .
7 Though some people found him rather wrapped up in his thoughts , he always enjoyed talking to children about science .
8 Sitting there , above him , watching him slowly keel over and close his eyes , Marie was remembering something else : ‘ Our Mam said Simon 's Dad was up the factory on Friday , did n't she ?
9 She lost him then and had to search and found him eventually curled up amid the wiring in the back of the record-player where he had n't hidden for a long time , not since two dark-haired people who were into black magic had come to dinner and he had disappeared for half a day until she found his secret hole .
10 He who shall find his field , or his vineyard , or his garden , desert , let him incontinently enter thereon ; and he who shall find his husbanded , let him pay him that hath cultivated it the cost of his labour , and of the seed which he hath sown therein , and remain with his heritage , according to the law of the Moors .
11 An hour later , Tracy and Miss Ludlow helped him secretly slip away from the hospital to spend two days in a secluded Miami retreat soaking up the sun before returning to Newmarket .
12 It was just too galling , seeing him all dressed up for someone else .
13 But it did not take him long to sort out what was wrong with it .
14 He 'd always had the nicest smile , open and boyish , but she 'd forgotten the way his hazel eyes sparkled with greenish lights , perhaps because she 'd never seen him so tanned before .
15 I took him into the hangar where the kites were and stroked his uniform , I kissed his insignia , Then I found out how far his freckles went down , I got him so worked up he 'd have promised me anything to let him do it to me That was really how he saw it , it was something he wanted to do to a girl .
16 The news about him only arrived just as I was leaving .
17 Because his rights as a tenant were protected and because in any case the university did n't wish to be seen turfing out an elderly man whose family had lived in the same cottage for five generations , we left him in peace and build around him , as it were , expecting him perhaps to move elsewhere or maybe to pass away .
18 The driver twisted his head round for instructions and Tait told him gently to carry on .
19 Distracting him does n't work ; talking to him nicely does n't work ; in the end , only a slap on the leg cuts through all the tension and nagging .
20 WHAT IS it about Frank Oz that leads him constantly to make so-so films with fabulous trailers ?
21 Instead of him just buying purely the raw commodity , you can er , change the , the degree of processing erm , the quality of , of the product , erm , so there is some scope for different product differentiation , but certainly not the same scope that there is in manufactures .
22 Well I 'm I 'm sorry but I 'm not a lot of use to him if I let him just walk away from the shield .
23 ‘ I 've told him just go out there and do what you have to do but remember , regardless of what happens , you are still my champion . ’
24 ‘ And his fellow directors do n't mind him just going off by himself without letting them know where he is ?
25 It might seem too easy to him just to slip away into the fantasy world of death . ’
26 She said well , tell Grant , she said he can have a reprieve , she said it 's May the eighth and , and she says , she probably heard me say it was Friday and that 's when I thought it was this Friday , so I had to phone erm the receptionist at daddy 's works , so she was going to pass on the message to daddy just to tell him just to work late as usual , Grant , rather than come in at teatime and then go back to work again .
27 He said but unfortunately because he 's boisterous , which he is and because it 's easier for them with their numbers to let him just get away with it or say oh Martin go outside we ca n't , you know , then then he was n't learning
28 we 'll talk to Sue Dave that needs to be , to find out if we can , what 's happening elsewhere cos she can through her colleagues and I will also I I do n't think I 'll ring Margaret but I 'll give Terry a ring Morden who 's the record of achievement guy there and get on quite well with him just to find out what sort of tap they 're taking on it cos er yeah , I I take very much what Sandra 's saying as do n't want our youngsters to be disadvantaged in anyway if others are lies , damn lies and
29 This must be him just coming in through the side door .
30 And there was nothing to stop him just walking off .
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