Example sentences of "he know [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I told Eric to expect me ; somehow I would let him know the date by way of one of the contadini who were helping him .
2 This piece of whimsy baffled the sergeant so he pressed on , ‘ The inspector said , if you could let him know the cause and time of death , he 'd be very grateful .
3 I could n't let him know the strength of my feelings — I was afraid it might frighten him off .
4 He told me to watch for a seaman with one leg and to let him know the moment when a man like that appeared .
5 How could he know the man had his creatures planted even there to watch for him ?
6 Does he know the way to J. Pringle & Sons ?
7 WHEN director Alan Rudolph cast cute couple Bruce Willis and Demi Moore in his suspense drama Mortal Thoughts , little did he know the pair would do over $200 million of business this summer ( with Die Hard 2 and Ghost ) , an unexpected boost that could give the arthouse auteur a much-needed hit
8 Did he know the reasons himself ?
9 ‘ Does he know the password ? ’
10 And did he know the reason or could he offer any explanation for her unusual demeanour at the meet ?
11 How well did he know the Taylors ?
12 How does he know the plate price is high , he did n't make that quite , when I only gave him a total price
13 Even one of the ‘ enemy ’ admired the ‘ valour and stoutness ’ of the Cornishmen and ‘ … never in all the wars he had been in did he know the like ’ .
14 How did he know the radio wavelength to set it off ?
15 How did he know the radio wavelength to set it off ?
16 So how does he know the smoke is non-toxic ?
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