Example sentences of "he would [verb] given " in BNC.

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1 Right , from Highgate has said if the good lord wanted cats to fly he would 've given them wings , it 's cruel doing things like that to animals .
2 Louis examined Trent with less emotion than he would have given a sandwich .
3 One upper-class motherless boy moved to live with a great-uncle who ‘ treated me with the same affection which he would have given to a son .
4 At the moment , he would have given quite a lot to stay here , and never return to the other cities again .
5 Had she encouraged him he would have given more .
6 It was said of him that he would have given the Masai Africa had he been able .
7 It was not an answer he would have given to many people , but he looked on Edna as an equal .
8 ‘ If Allah had intended us to fly , he would have given us wings , not arms , ’ the policeman had replied .
9 If the stranger had not been there , he would have given them an account of what had happened .
10 The answer is not difficult , if we remember that each meeting of the Assembly was different in composition from all others ; personal oratory and ascendancy , not party organization , decided the issues , and that is why the absence of Kimon mattered so much : he would have given his usual speech on the ‘ special relationship ’ with Sparta , urging that nothing be done to the Athenian constitution to which oligarchic Sparta would take mortal offence .
11 At that moment he would have given up every moment of his past and future freedom to have her at his side .
12 No doubt he would have given the world to call her back , but he would not give his chance of heaven .
13 He would have given a great deal to have sounded less incredulous .
14 He would have given me an introduction to Paul Valéry as well , except that he was out of Paris .
15 He would have given Archie a hard time , I 'm sure of it .
16 He looked at the old man , peering darkly under his down-drawn brows ; and there was one who would have questioned and writhed and wondered , pondering long before he would have given any answer , and then , most likely , regretting the answer he had given , whatever it chanced to be .
17 Had it not been for Pam 's voice cajoling him onward and upward , he would have given up the struggle .
18 He would have given anything for her unadulterated attention and approval .
19 The judge applied a multiplier of 12 years ; and he said that he would have given a multiplier of ten , but he gave 12 to protect against the possibility of future inflation .
20 Now originally he would have given it to the servers who would have taken it out here .
21 After missing him so desperately over the last six weeks it was more than she had ever dreamed of to find herself suddenly close to him again , and maybe by the time they reached their destination he would have given her some clue about the way he wanted things to be .
22 ‘ — he would have given them wings .
23 He would have given more to the old woman , but Marshall , despite the way he looked , was probably well heeled .
24 He would have given anything to believe that Isambard was lying .
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