Example sentences of "he had been [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Disappointment that Feargal was n't the man she had thought him had been replaced by a sadness for things not to be .
2 All along the terrace , on the low wall that bounded it , stood the statuary his father had once told him had been placed there by whoever inhabited the place before Hilbert and Lilian came .
3 The middle-aged married couple who had been caretakers before him had been dismissed on the spot for gross drunkenness .
4 When the last goodbyes and blessings on him had been murmured by the ladies , two dimmed lanterns were provided by Mrs Prynn the housekeeper , and the priest was led down to the kitchens and into the stables , under the floor of which a tunnel led steeply down to the shore .
5 This view of him had been built up gradually , partly as a result of that interview with Rodriguez back in Mexico City , and partly from the bits and pieces of information Ward had let fall .
6 He said the case against him had been adjourned after he said he believed he owed less than £12 .
7 In fact , she knew it , for a picture of him had been smuggled to her .
8 So it was a happy coincidence that the Rev Alan Mackenzie at the same Congress was able to announce that he had recently attended a meeting between Sir Keith Joseph , then Secretary of State for Social Services , and representatives of other national voluntary organisations concerned with the deaf and the hard of hearing , where the Minister 's intention of setting up a permanent committee to help and advise him had been discussed .
9 So powerful had these embattled minorities become , that decent chaps like him had been forced upon the defensive .
10 He showed her a letter from the CPS saying proceedings against him had been discontinued because of lack of evidence .
11 Despite protests from all sides he did n't halt his labours until the body before him had been opened from navel to throat , and Dowd 's thrashings had ceased .
12 Philip held out the paper that the chocolate bar Lee had given him had been wrapped in .
13 Was it because everything that had been precious to him had been torn from him that he had to find someone to blame for his losses , someone to take advantage of , someone from whom he could derive consolation ?
14 In fact , as he later admitted in court , he had been represented by a lawyer from Newcastle at the time of signing to Virgin : not a music-business lawyer , it was true , but a lawyer none the less .
15 ‘ I would mine uncle would let me have my life , though he takes my crown , ’ he had been heard to say on one occasion .
16 He had been met by the Defence Ministry people , who had taken him directly from the aircraft steps , but no one had said a word on the way into the city .
17 Lee wondered why the barman tolerated him but when she looked towards the bar she saw that the barman seemed hypnotized by the antics of the pub 's female singer , not pleasantly , but as if he had been created permanently attached to a painful but essentially dependable puzzle .
18 This must have been in the two years between the autumn or summer of 1187 , when he left Paris , and September 1189 , by which time he had been created a cardinal deacon by his relative , Pope Clement III .
19 He had been sighted at Woodcote and again with the gypsies at the village of Checkendon .
20 According to Trubin , he had been implicated in the plot by SCSE members in custody .
21 In 1167 his army had been decimated before Rome by an outbreak of malaria ; and he had been chased over the Alps in humiliating disaster ; but still he plotted and planned to return to the task .
22 Sabine Jourdain had been shot , Barbara Coleman had been abducted , someone had tried to strangle Rain , the reception clerk and Cobalt had been beaten up , and Rain and he had been chased through a maze by a man with a ferocious determination on his face .
23 Rousseau challenged the Christian doctrine of Original Sin ; he believed that man was by nature good , and that he had been corrupted by civilization ; savages were uncorrupted .
24 The complainant need not show he was aggrieved on the date mentioned in the summons , it is enough that he had been aggrieved earlier , otherwise as Darling , J. pointed out in Hilton v Hopwood it would be virtually impossible for an individual to bring an action under s.99 .
25 The Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica presented me with a view of patients and diseases which was quite unlike anything which I had encountered , and gave many lively examples of the ways in which Kent had solved the clinical problems with which he had been faced .
26 Afterwards , Angelo Dundee , who had trained Ali from the start and had to be talked into showing up for this one , watched him slumped in the dressing-room , then turned away and rubbed his eyes as certain people tried to convince Ali that he had been robbed and that a fourth title was still possible .
27 The story was , that unused to concealing money about his person , he had been robbed on the train and had had to return home .
28 The fact was , that he made the journey ; shabby and penniless , he had to look up addresses of kinsfolk in English towns ; he had been robbed by con-men on board the ship , for Dad was a simple , trusting person , one might say , naive .
29 The Welsh star was edged out by just two-hundredths of a second by his best friend Mark McKoy — but could have been forgiven for feeling he had been robbed of gold after the Canadian had seemed to get away to a false start .
30 As he plundered her mouth Jenna was faintly aware that there was very little anger left in him ; this was complete sensuality , no doubt because he had been robbed of an evening with Claudine in his arms .
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