Example sentences of "he at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I made contact with Sheringham through an agent and met him at a hotel .
2 The man in charge of the investigation , Supt Stan Fletcher , said : ‘ Local police in Newcastle arrested him at a hotel last night .
3 They came past him at a run , three of them , two heading straight for the room that Pope had indicated on the floor plan .
4 Shakespeare 's so central to our heritage i you learn him at O level , you learn him at A level , you get used to him .
5 Damon and Rebecca fell in love and wed after she paid £300 for a date with him at a charity auction in California .
6 He gave them his card , hoping they 'd contact him at a London mailing address , for modelling assignments .
7 ‘ I met him at a tennis club , and he was a very , very attractive man indeed .
8 " His father says that Lorrimer rang him at a quarter to nine .
9 For a long time , I adored him at a distance and could n't believe my luck when he started showing an interest in me . ’
10 Keep him at a distance — for your own sake . ’
11 I advise you to keep him at a distance until you are married . ’
12 She made for an armchair , knowing it would be wise to keep him at a distance , but she did n't reach it .
13 And the second thing she understood was the reason why she was indeed so desperate to keep him at a distance .
14 No wonder she 'd struggled so hard against it , doing all in her power to keep him at a distance .
15 What she needed was a weapon of some sort , something that would keep him at a distance should the need arise .
16 Glasses , a beard and lots of grey hairs — 47-year-old Rod Stewart 's new look seems to have stunned his model wife Rachel Hunter who joined him at a Los Angeles club .
17 ‘ I 've met him at a couple of PFA functions and when it was my testimonial he sent some things down to be raffled .
18 I can get around him at a pinch , but roll over him , never . ’
19 I met him at a dance held in the Airmen 's Mess ( so romantic ! ) , when I 'd only been at Binbrook three weeks .
20 I met him at a dance , a nice soldier who was playing double bass in the band .
21 He was unexpectedly a man of great gaiety and to see him at a dance was an absolute delight .
22 In the morning he had woken with energy racing through him at a pace too uneven to harness .
23 Saw him at a sale being knocked down to a known horsemeat dealer and stepped in and outbid him at the last moment .
24 He thinks this keeps him on his mettle , but it often leaves him at a loss for the right word .
25 Few months down the line , and he sells him at a loss .
26 I first came under him at a period in his life when he was abandoning the piano .
27 She would be responsible for integrating the two contributions and making sure it will be a coherent whole and she would share her royalty with him at a rate to be determined by the proportion of the work each ends up doing .
28 I met him at a Conference , in Paris . ’
29 Apparently I met him at a conference on the economics of multiculturalism .
30 He had pressed her to marry him , though he was considerably older than she was , and she had accepted him at a time of great emotional exhaustion .
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