Example sentences of "he was [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 He was well aware of the depth of the chasm which separated the past from the future he hoped to create , and he was above all a realist , but inevitably the fusing of nearly 600 formerly independent undertakings into a new corporate identity was not painless .
2 Intelligent , sensitive and artistic , with a certain diffidence which added to his charm , he was above all a man of absolute integrity .
3 There he was above all an observer of life , carrying on — forgive the pun those observations into the characters he played .
4 I do n't think he was at all well known abroad but in Austria he was famous for his wit .
5 If he was at all interested it was up to him to make the first move .
6 Despite the fact that he had worked for most of the period of his contract in England , lived in England , was paid in English currency and paid National Insurance contributions in the UK , he was at all times liable to be recalled to Dhaka .
7 He was at all times placid , unruffled , cool , calm and collected .
8 He was at all times happy , said his lordship , to give his assent to any measure that could relieve the unfortunate debtor without giving an opportunity to the adulterer , the swindler etc. to take advantage of the same law — .
9 Her mother never tired of speaking of her own father , Don Humberto , who had been a gentleman adventurer and a favourite at the court of King John , but she had never met Dom João and could only assure Sara that if he was at all like his grandfather or his Uncle Pedro ( the one who had died at sea ) he would be a man of great charm , intelligence and wit .
10 This did not mean that he was at all sympathetic to evolutionary ideas , which seemed crude and mechanical ; but he was not patient either with ‘ Bridgewater writing ’ , because it meant seeing the hand of God more in some things than others .
11 Alexandra took her father over every inch of her domain and he nodded at her enthusiasm , but if he was at all impressed by what she did , what she planned , he gave no sign .
12 Just because he knew about her it did not mean he was at all reliable .
13 When the young man was twenty he discovered that his mother had been boasting about how wonderful he was to all her friends .
14 Most others insist that the young Richard got his looks from his mother , Edith , a fair-haired girl , taller by far than Dic , a sweet beauty , ‘ a very strong woman ’ , to whom her husband was absolutely faithful and utterly irresponsible : as he was to all his family .
15 He 's not the same person he was before all that .
16 He was around all the time .
17 Lord Anson , bombarded as he was from all directions by demands for favours , was hard to move towards action , and Lieutenant Home no doubt felt it would be a case of out of sight out of mind .
18 But he was honest enough to say that he was ‘ fascinated ’ by it too ; as he was by all forms of physical violence .
19 Warnie , though he was by all accounts a most delightful and courteous companion , was a clear case of arrested development .
20 But this past winter , when the A team job returned to him following injury to Martyn Moxon , he was by all accounts a revelation .
21 He was in all the dailies , and you probably saw the TV coverage .
22 There he was in all his splendour , gazing blithely out of society-column illustrations , going into or coming out of some swank nightspot or other , with a gorgeous girl on either arm .
23 He was in all the conservation groups when he was a student , but his big thing was animals . ’
24 But , I expect erm as he was in all last year I should think he
25 I expect he was like all the rest indoors , could n't find his way out of a paper bag .
26 He was like all men , a liar and a cheat .
27 But in the end he was like all the rest .
28 He was behind all this , wheeling and dealing , playing God !
29 ‘ This one wanted to do my work , but when he started telling me that personally he was against all pet shops and would like to see them closed we did n't exactly see eye to eye .
30 He was after all like every other member of his sex — merely a man with a man 's desire to dominate .
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