Example sentences of "he so [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The thought appalled him so much that he went into the attic and slid back into bed without saying anything more to either of them .
2 On one of his recent trips they had frightened him so much that he dropped his food and had to watch helplessly while they devoured every last scrap of it .
3 His much loved wife , Anne of Bohemia , died in 1394 , and this affected him so much that he felt everyone and everything was against him .
4 And Seve 's back was a real pain — the cold got to it and it troubled him so much that we had to go and find a physiotherapist .
5 She had aroused him so much that he wanted to take her here and now , on the ground .
6 Who could the woman be , who admired him so much that she sent him a valentine ?
7 For the first time since Heaven , Ace thought of Julian , and the times they had sat in worn green leather armchairs , the hum of traffic from the A40 outside making waves in their glasses , knowing that the barman thought they were underage but also knowing that Ace intimidated him so much that he would n't say anything .
8 Boswell loathed him so much that his first edition of the Tour to the Hebrides had to be amended on account of the unflattering position he took on Sir Alexander .
9 At least when that happened , she would stop feeling his rejection so poignantly — stop caring about the fact that she disgusted him so much that he did n't want anything to do with her except sexually , and that against his will and to the damage of his self-respect .
10 If the choice of site was intended to reinforce fraternal solidarity , it failed : Lothar 's palace at Thionville was too close for comfort , and his brothers still mistrusted him so much that they demanded hostages from him to guarantee the security of their own negotiators .
11 Brutus says that Caesar 's feelings have never moved him so much that he had lost his sense of reason .
12 They they took the mickey out of him so much that he cried .
13 Children related to him so much because they saw in him an adult who behaved in the way that they did .
14 When Arthur was sound again , I had Countryman and Lannegan , and somehow I did n't enjoy riding him so much because every time he jumped , I was afraid he 'd be lame .
15 Well , he did n't mention Niki , he did n't congratulate him , embrace him , he did n't hand him so much as a crumb .
16 ‘ It 's not him so much as the people he represents .
17 He 'd once thought of asking one of the Venetz sisters out , but they were pretty well inseparable ; a turndown did n't worry him so much as the prospect of being accepted by one and so giving offence to the other .
18 But whatever you do , do n't give him so much as a cough sweet ! ’
19 But having h done that and having gone off his toe , he the wardrobe was n't in front of him so much as it was down there by now , and he 'd still got hold of it you see , so because of the momentum , of going that way down two steps and one further one he shot forward and went right over the edge of the wardrobe .
20 How much longer could she go on saying no when her body was alive with a hunger for him so deep that every pulse of her blood screamed yes ?
21 It is also true that to wrestle with his thought demands a rethinking of the Gospel : that his students found him so witty and stimulating a teacher is understandable .
22 Sara upset a skillet of boiling milk on her husband 's foot , and left him so lame that he was prevented for days from joining his friends on their lengthening excursions into the Quantock countryside .
23 Franco had never seen him so drunk and , although Maidstone 's intake of alcohol had often been greater on past occasions , this time he just went to pieces .
24 His family had protected him when he was a child and youth , and the search for another such secure haven was one of the dominant notes of his life : both in its denial during his marriage to Vivien which rendered him so anxious and insecure , and in its triumphant restitution at the end of his life .
25 Robert said that ill-feeling between him and his brother had made him so annoyed that he had used a large knife to slash a rubber dinghy which they owned jointly .
26 Cor but he got him so riled and you know .
27 She could not bear to see him so miserable and cast down .
28 This made him so angry that he threw a knife at me , which cut my neck , and then he rushed towards me , swearing violently .
29 Only he did n't , merely narrowed his eyes further , then pulled her against him so tight that she could feel every sinew and muscle from knee to chest , and a lick of frightened excitement curled along her nerves .
30 I am stunned to find him so fine and ruddy in the startling , bleak white of this room ; so handsome in the face of my decay , my washed-out skin and faded eyes , my smears of blood and perspiration .
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