Example sentences of "he might well have " in BNC.

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1 By the look of him he might well have left a genuine World War Two leather bomber jacket in the bedroom .
2 It occurred to me that he might well have heard me and decided not to answer .
3 Had Wapnick won yesterday , he might well have reached the last eight .
4 Joyfully and thankfully reconciled with me , and having proved himself in a very arduous campaign , he might well have rested on his laurels in comfort and safety , waiting for the war to end or to be drafted to some new theatre of operations .
5 Meanwhile , Shackel 's unfortunate man had been done to death by his two attackers , and Peck now had a manslaughter case on his hands , a crime he might well have prevented .
6 He might well have settled to be a good chief for the clan that you say you 're so concerned for , Eachuinn Maclean .
7 Yanto realised he might well have to make a special journey to pick up the old man if Julie happened to be out .
8 Meanwhile , a wide variety of courts administered a wide variety of laws all over western Europe ; and if one asked a man in any part of Europe to whose law he was subject , he might well have answered ‘ to my law ’ — for law was a personal thing , which a man might carry about with him ; it bound him to the courts to which his ancestors had been subject , to the laws of those courts , and gave him the privileges which those courts provided .
9 Had he not been so short of time he might well have found 25 …
10 Thus his conduct very well illustrates the maxim ‘ Look before you leap ’ ; and if his final decision was made when the trend of circumstances was making it harder to leave home , he might well have recalled ‘ He who hesitates is lost ’ .
11 Now having overcoming the shock of his surprise defection from the other side of the Pennines , it appears he might well have the same effect on United .
12 The fee was n't much , but Harford wanted a club in the south and that was it — not much consolation for Kendall , who knows he might well have done for Everton what he 's doing for Chelsea , helping to turn them into a real Premier League force .
13 He might well have made some bargain with the Plantagenet — after all , this Edward owed something , for it was here , to Dunbar Castle , that his father , Edward the Second , had fled for refuge after the disaster of Bannockburn when Patrick , as a young man , had received him kindly and provided him passage by sea to England .
14 He travelled as a seaman to Sydney where he won the Australian heavyweight title before transferring to San Francisco where he was persuaded by the Earl of Lonsdale to operate in England , a move which enhanced his status greatly , as a contemporary noted : ‘ I knew him in the days of his greatness when sitting on top of the pugilistic world , fêted and lionized , he might well have been excused some slight vanity ’ ( quoted by Henderson , 1949 , pp.20–1 ) .
15 The man was in civilian clothes , yet , in this city thronged with soldiers , he had a confidence that suggested he might well have worn a uniform in his time .
16 If Leland had gone there , he might well have described the eastern Weald as he did the Forest of Dean : ‘ more fruitful of wood and grass than corn ’ with ‘ many iron mines and forges ’ ; yet although he judged it self-sufficient in corn , Dean was very much poorer than the Weald .
17 And he might well have dismissed the Flemish court , with its prince who hedged and ditched , its chancellor who audited accounts , as mercenary .
18 Now Millns is established as one of the most feared and effective fast bowlers on the county circuit , and he might well have been called up for England 's final Test at The Oval but for injury .
19 He might well have written ‘ Thank God I am not a Freudian ’ , even though he had a great concern with preserving psychoanalysis as a coherent method and theoretical approach to human action .
20 But he might well have added a word of recognition for the conductor who from beginning to end helped bring out Björling 's superb best : Nils Grevillius ( 1893–1970 ) .
21 He has told us now what he might well have feared the dead man could tell us .
22 She did n't because the moment was not right ; she did not yet know that she could not plead from her position of privilege that she had suffered too — ‘ So you want to annex our wrongs as well , do you ? ’ he might well have answered to her in just bitterness .
23 Getting on in years , he might well have considered the possibility of never seeing his homeland again .
24 He might well have been working a small place on his own behalf .
25 The dark circles under his eyes suggested he might well have spent the entire night going through them on a tape recorder , but it had n't helped .
26 When she glanced at him again he looked very grim and she wondered if she should have told Mitch that he might well have a lot of opportunity to photograph Spain — on foot as he walked back to Málaga .
27 I think he might he might well have enjoyed it .
28 Something in his face suggested to her that he might well have done , perhaps .
29 She had no idea why he had telephoned her , though she did n't put it out of the realms of possibility that , having gone away when he 'd promised to think about the interview , he might well have rung to suggest some alternative .
30 He might well have formed his own opinion but he knew that would not bear cross-examination at some later date .
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